Friday, October 01, 2004

Birds & I'm seeing things

It's that time of year. The trees are still green, the grass is still green (but turning more yellowish), it's still warm-hot, but cool at night. And the birds. It's like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. They're everywhere. Especially towards sunset. The power lines, buildings, street signs, fences, they're all black with birds. I'm not sure if they're all from here and just hang out before going south (or where ever), or if they're from here and from farther north. It's pretty freaky.

Oh yea, went to doc, I have really really uber pissed off tendonitis in my wrist/arms. Gotta wear these braces all the time now, it's really difficult to type in them! And I gotta go see an eye doctor b/c I'm seeing things :) Great little flashes of light, can be quite distracting.

Oh, and since my memory is so bad, my doctor wrote out a note and taped it to my arm so I wouldn't forget. He's such a nut. And I picked up a Run for the Cure (Cancer) pamphlet. They've got an option called "Sleep in for the Cure". I think you can just give the donation and not run, just stay home and sleep late, and you still get a t-shirt! I think I'll do that option :) Ooh, it says you get a "snoozy bib" wonder what that looks like. Fun.

~So desu ne~

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