Friday, April 22, 2005

more fibro fog and random thoughts

I forgot to post this story. On ...what day is it. um, ah! on Tuesday, I was going to see psycho doc, and he's at this big hospital with two big towers. So first I go to the wrong tower (keep in mind this is my 6-7th visit). Then I go to the right tower and go to floor 11...I look and there is no door, just a wall with a picture. I think, "wtf?? who took his office away??" so then I think "crap, where IS his office??" so I go to the 12th floor...the 10th floor, the 9th floor...the 1st floor. I look at the directory. He is on the 11th floor. I go back up there and look, then turn around and there it is! I had come up a different elevator and didn't turn the right way *blush* but I got a laugh out of it so it was ok. and I was going to the right doc if I was going insane, right?? :)

that was my first trip through downtown that someone hasn't come within feet or inches and smashing my car to smitherines. And today, driving to do some errands, 3 people try to hit me, within a 15 minute period?! Do I have a frickin bullseye on my car? My car attracts cars & skanky old men & ex-football jocks & one random chick? random.

I can't wait until sunday...EDGEFEST!!! wahoo! If anyone is in Dallas, or Texas, or out of town, and is going to edgefest, give me a shout, so I don't have to go all alone and get pitying (is that a word? pitiful? looks of pity?) looks from everyone else :)


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