Monday, September 05, 2005

More interesting searches...

I haven't recently shared any interesting searches that lead to my blog, so I figured I'd give another list :)

Listed from most recent to oldest:
1. Broken Heart Masturbation (yahoo) (searched 2 times on my site) - (thanks to JC's blog, I often get masturbation searches :P)

2. isabo (google + msn = 2 searches) - (I often get this, there's a popular author named Isabo Kelly...I haven't read any of her stuff, maybe I should, she has a good choice in name :)

3. (msn) - obviously he's linked on my page. it's a photo blog, he's got some interesting pictures

4. rumbling gurgling guts IBS (google) - I feel sorry for anyone with IBS, it sucks ass...hmm, that could almost be a literal explanation >_<

5. Wynee Wong (yahoo) - there's often a search for this, and I finally found out why. They've made a Wynee Wong Scholarship. Love you and miss you dearest Wynee...

6. (similar to #4) stomach rumbling loudly and ibs (UK msn)

7. katharine hepburn's b-day (msn) - probably from my post about The Aviator movie...

8. jelly fish sting blister (msn) - from my post about pissing on jelly fish stings (it works if you don't wash it off!)

9. Alochol and Back pain (misspelled >_< yahoo)...have no clue what they were looking for...

10. fibro and powerlines move? (msn) - I assume these people think power lines cause fibro...I wish it were that easy >_<

Ok, that's it for a few weeks. hopefully we'll get some more amusing searches soon :)


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