Friday, February 27, 2009


Holy cow, has it been THAT long...geez. Yea...Well, new things in the world:

you wouldn't guess from my typing, but I now have a part time job as a managing editor for academia type stuffs. Can work from home so it's uber ;) Guess my anal-retentiveness came in handy.

'Rents are currently visiting...and are apparently carrying the plague type flu, but *crosses fingers* Bro and I are still resisting.

I'll see all you college buddies at the Garry's wedding. Looking forward to the food in San Fran ;) Oh, and seeing you guys of course! ...mmm, food...

I'm really thinking I should change my blog name...although it's good to keep around, see how I was at a lower time. Although I don't need much reminding. Any stress or bad weather and I'm there. Still, been 9 months since I was on pain killers...of course beer consumption has risen in the mean time. Figure the rest of my meds are killing my kidneys, may as well hit my liver while I'm at it. B and I go to a real dive, it's awesome, you stick to the seats and the music rocks. He asks for a soda and I ask for a pitcher of beer all for myself. good times ;)

So, I'll write back in ... votes? a few months? a year? more? your guess is as good as mine o_O


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