Happy New Year
Happy new year everyone. Hope this year is better for everyone. or if your last year was actually nice, hope this one is as well. Don't make resolutions though, you'll just follow them for a week, then forget, then feel guilty. why bother, eh :)
we got a kitten before christmas, rescued it from a shelter. she looks like one of the little shrine lion/dog statues in japan, so we named her Shisa (shiisaa if you want to look it up). Okinawan version. of course she ignores it, and we mostly call her "Munchkin" ...I do anyway. bro calls her 'punkin (pumpkin). as well as a string of unmentionable names that follow after disasters. Kitten was a huge step for me. Very big turning point. Sign to the rest of the world that I will actually commit myself to some other living being...actually keep myself in this world. Had a few close calls this past year. HOpefully I'm at the turning point and won't have relapses. I'll just hope for good times and take the love of the kitty :)
Cheers. Take care everyone