Broken in body, sometimes in heart, but not in soul.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
why is it you make plans and then months later you think "shit, what the hell made me do that??" ...I'm leaving for NC soon to visit family. jackasses always bug the hell outta me >_< only ones I really want to see are aunt & uncle, and mom's mom. rest of them can go screw themselves as far as I'm concerned. Semi good news is that travelling and sleeping on shitty beds will really screw up my body, so hopefully I can drown out emotional pain with physical pain and pain killers...hey, I can hope can't I? and no, nothing exciting will happen. furkin small town where it's in the news if someone sneezes. which sucks, because it means all members of our family, and all their friends, and their friends, and assholes we don't even know will expect us to spend time with them, and get offended if we don't. like I said, jackasses.