So, I suppose I should have posted a long time ago and said "yo, I'm fine" lol. We didn't even get any rain. It was sunny, beautiful, 90s. perfect weather. feel sorry for all those that got flooded out though >_<
nothing much has been going on. I've been sick for 2 weeks, luckily not whooping cough this time :) I saw rheumy today, so of course he had to poke and prod. made my hip hurt, the one I already hurt last week >_< darn him. He wants me to go more middle ground on the spastic diet, which I have been doing anyway, gradually :) Doesn't make sense, you'd think losing weight would make your joints feel better, since it drastically decreases the PSI on knees and hips and such. But nooooo...apparently it makes joints ache more >_< and dieting often causes increase of depression, but it's not talked about since everyone seems to have a stigma about depression. So I'm going more middle ground. I suppose I'd rather be fat and alive than skinny and dead. not that weight was even the reason why I started the diet...just a side effect >_<
so anyway, that's it...I finished another jigsaw puzzle? lol. I'm so accomplished.
Oh, and go see Serenity! Sooooooo good. Lots of action, little jump out and boo scenes, hilarious dialogue, a wee bit of drama and romance. has everything. so good. The whole theatre apllauded when it was over. but they're random like that here :)