Heh, victory over the sexes!
Hehehehe, I went to my first gay bar tonight. There was a drag show, it was fun. Anyhoo, I got hit on by one I'm 90%-sure was straight guy, one gay guy who was hitting on me to get to bro (granted he said he'd marry us both o_0), and one lesbian (named Dee). I've decided that the least intrusive flirting was done by female Dee, 2nd least intrusive was almost-sure-was-straight guy, and finally the gay guy who kept spitting on the side of my face cuz he was so drunk guy >_< *cleans off side of face really well* and if I'm not tooo ...intelligent it's cuz I'm drunk :P heh. I get giggly. ask manky or mochi. heh. Dee was really cute, I think she was Irish or Scottish, and has 2 gay brothers and heard about wellesley in some book? The straight guy was some short yet not sleezy older business man. he took the hint quickly and left. The gay dude was freaking clueless (but I got a free drink off him, heh), as well as touchy (unwanted) and invasive of personal space >_< Anyhoo, I'm off to bed, as typing is making me somewhat nasueous as my drunkiness is wearing off o_O
I still wish they made a pain pill that worked half as well as being drunk >_<
~Cheers, from a sloshed, but egotistically-satisfied Isabo :D
(I like it when many people tell me how cute I am) makes me feel good to be myself :D