Friday, April 29, 2005

The Amityville Horror

Ok, I watched The Amityville Horro last night. 10pm-ish, alone. not a good idea. Freaking scary as hell. I was laughing at these two girls though, the opening logo of the film (like dreamwatch or fox or whatever), one girl said "I'm scared already!!" then at the end, everyone in the theatre basically jumped up and ran outta there. Those girls were towards the top but they were the first outta there, lol. The movie was really well done, using all the tools that really scare you - pop ups, reflections, freaky eyes, visual effects, sounds, etc. Really spooky and scary movie. Watch it in the company of others, and not late at night :) lol

I've looked at some sites, just trying to figure out the real events. It's a movie, so of course stuff is made up and expanded. It's hard to figure out the truth though, since a bunch of people say "liar, you just want attention, it's a hoax, etc" but the others are saying it's true. sorta feels like the x-files.

I personally do believe in ghosts and spirits, so for me it is credible. I've been in some places where I can feel something that affects me and my instinctual protections (like heart pounding, hair standing up, sweating, emotions, etc). I was in a castle in germany, and I was walking into one room and felt this wash of fear and despair, and my heart started pounding. It ended up being their torture/jail area. It was really intense, I got outta there pretty fast. It also felt cold. I know everyone says "oooh, ghosts, it's cold when they're around" but it seriously did feel chilly.

anyhoo. good movie. go see it. go research the truth. get scared. question your beliefs. expand your horizons. ooogie booogie? :)

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