Monday, May 02, 2005

More on spitting

So, I saw an interesting sign today. I went back to the hot pool for aqua therapy. now, they've had this sign by the pool the whole time I've been going (6 months or so). It's one of those pool safety signs that everyone has to have. like no jumping, diving, smoking, call 911, etc. So today (granted I haven't been in a month). I see, added to the sign in blue marker "no spitting in pool." Now it's bad enough spitting on the sidewalks, where it gets on your shoes, and if you're really unlucky, on your clothing or skin (depending on wind currents and direction of spit...sorta like pissing into the wind I guess. although I'm ill-equiped to do that, I believe I could still manage! mwauaha). But dude, spitting into a small pool of cycling's bad enough we all have to sit in an enclosed area with body fluids and skin cells and I don't wanna know what else floating around *shudders*

oh yea, and I went back into the changing room, and the old man who used it before me either showered, stepped in some rust on the floor and stepped back into the shower, or pissed in the shower...after showering...and leaving his piss there. which one are you gonna choose? "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."

I'm wondering what else is gonna happen today. Makes me sorta scared to leave my apt, lol.

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