Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So, time for a semi-political hyper crazy discussion. The subject = Euthanasia. My grandma is dying from multiple myeloma, which was only discovered around christmas time. They gave her a few months to live. So, she's "living" in extraordinary pain. I think she's got 2 pain patches, oxycodone, morphine, vicodin and like 10 other pain meds. Which of course aren't helping. Add to this the fact that all her kids are fighting each other about what to do with her. My psycho aunt(literally, this woman is fucking crazy), has been living with gma, dosing her with medicine. Since she didn't want her mother to be "altered" she wasn't giving her pain meds like she should be. So of course her mother is suffering when she doesn't need to be. Bitch. Anyway, gma has gotten to the point of dementia and psychosis, which is part of it - she takes her cloths off, shits all over herself and tries to escape the house. Does this sound nice? Which brings me around to the political part of this posting.

If we have a pet we love (cat, dog, etc), that is very ill, most people decide to "put it down." Let's say it's in constant pain, it's organs are failing, etc. Vets give us a choice: 1. put the animal out of its misery, or 2. let it waste away in pain and torment while we're selfish bastards simply wanting to prolong it's miserable existance. As you can tell I'm in favor of number 1. Which brings me around to family. Yes, pets are family, and yes, truthfully, I would probably be more torn up about my kitty dying than this certain grandmother (she has spent her life being a psycho biatch (thus the crazy ass aunt I guess), pushing away all her children and tormenting them, blah blah). Anyway. Whether or not you like humans or animals better, if you can put animals out of their misery why not humans. This woman is suffering. Sure, doctors might be able to prolong her "life" for a few more months. But damn, I wouldnt' consider it living. And she's not even herself. She's in hysterical fits, constant and horrible pain, shitting all over herslef, fighting those trying to help her. Is this living? Wouldn't it be kindness to let her move on? I feel so sorry for this woman. Her kids are bickering and fighting, meanwhile she's suffering. Not like it's legal for her kids to do anything like I'm suggesting. But they can't even decide to get her help, put her in a hospice, etc. If I ever get like her, I would want someone to shoot me. Mayhap she doesn't feel the same, all I can hope is that someone would take mercy on me if I were in that condition. Anyhoo, this was sorta rambling, just wanted to spew some thoughts.


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