Wednesday, October 20, 2004


XENA! season 5 came out yesterday, I'm so excited, I stayed up all night watching it. Such a fun and goofy, wacky, spastic show. And it was hilarious, Xena is majorly pregnant right? (she got pregnant by an angel when they were ressurected) So Ares walks up to her and says, "I wish I'd have known you were lookin for a father"
Xena: "I'm not"
Ares: "Oh? Well, somebody clearly got the job"
Xena: "Yea, Gabrielle"
Ares with a sorta pissed off/jealous look
Gabrielle looks at him with a HUUUUUGE, smug, "told ya so", up-yours kinda grin :) smirk and laugh
Ares: "I woulda paid to see that"

So funny. Doesn't take much to make me happy, just give me Xena and you make my day. Guess it's sorta good that it doesn't take much. Ok, I have to go vote and drop my class, not necessarily in that order.


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