Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Class? What's that?

So, classes. I dropped 2 of them in late september, couldn't hack it. Too much work, too much pain (physically painful to sit in those chairs, and write, and be cold). I'm thinking now I'm going to have to drop my neurology class, which sucks, since my problem is mostly neurological, and I wish I could learn about the way things are going wrong. I suppose I'll keep the book and read when I can (gee, wonder how long my memory will hold any of THAT). My memory is actually a main reason for dropping this course. I just can't remember anything. Not to say I'm worried about failing, I could really care less, but why should I go through all the trouble just to fail, when I could read it on my own, without sitting in the painful and cold classroom, without having to get out of my house on the painful days when I can barely make it out to the car, without walking the 10 minutes from my car to the classroom, and without having to write a lot (even with wrist braces it hurts to write too much). Another big reason is my will. For the past few weeks, and it will last a longer while, my will just isn't there. Like I don't care about failing, I don't even care about going. It's just too much. Yes, it's a reason to get out of the house, but I don't care enough to go, so why have that obligation hanging over me when I'm not going to go through with it.

So, if I do this, it'll leave me with one course. The Oceans course, which I do at home. Take the tests at my own pace, read at my own pace. And the tests are really short, last one was only 10 multiple choice questions, so not much writing, just 10 small circles. Although I am shocked at this university. At wellesley, I did not ONCE have a multiple choice test. Not even in science courses. Everything was essay, short answer, or write-out solutions w/ equations. I only had 2 courses in all 4 years that involved powerpoint, and both of those were science (Astronomy and Geology). Yet every course here has involved power point. And it's not even good presentations. They repeat EVERYTHING that's written on the power point slide? What's the point, why not just email us the power point slides and we can sit at home and get the same information for less hassle? Usually at wellesley, the 2 profs would throw up the scientific equations, and a few really important points, that they wanted to make sure we got, then they would lecture (does texas university even know what the word lecture means?). It's quite disappointing actually, it's like being in highschool again. Maybe that's another reason why my will to go to class is so low. It's not interesting, it's not mind-expanding, I don't look forward to what I can learn the next class period, or what awesome jokes the professor will tell, or the fact that the professor actually knows my face, name, mannerisms, and attitude (and will joke with me after class when I drool on the table...yes, this actually happened) :)

It makes me really appreciate the time I spent at Wellesley. Yes, it was really hard, yes, it was really time consuming and stressing, yes, many times I said how much I hated it, yet through all the hardships, I learned so much (about life, about myself, about others, about history, about future, etc). The list goes on. I can say definitely that my time at Wellesley, the knowledge I took away from there, will stay with me for the rest of my life...although with my memory the way it is now, who knows how long I'll remember it :-/

Oops, this turned into quite a rant. Um, point of the post was me commenting that I'm now working on dropping my 3rd class, leaving me with one do-it-at-home course. Anyway...

~Becoming more classless as time goes on :)

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