Sunday, April 03, 2005

coke w/ lime

ever drink coke w/ lime? it has an after taste that reminds me of some childhood candy or something. or it's just the fact that as a kid, bro and I would squeeze half a lime and throw that in our cokes. the real thing is much better, I suggest trying it sometime. I think it worked best with coke. I think we tried DrP, but didn't taste right, and pepsi was too remember bro? it's nice with the real limes b/c then you get limey pulp in your drink :) and you get to gnaw on the lime later :)

and someone needs to invent a way to brush your teeth that doesn't hurt a whacked back. that and going to the bathroom. and sitting. it's tricky to play video games on your back. I'm always tempted to put the tv on it's side :)

~sideways Isabo

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