Sunday, April 03, 2005

sleep! and we lost an hour :(

I hate "springing forward" I always feel cheated since we lost an hour. I prefer fall change when we gain an hour of sleep :) and speaking of sleep, after taking (probably too many) muscle relaxers plus my dose of sleep meds (which is now double what it used to be), I was down for quite a while. It took me 5 hours to wake up enough to get out of bed. random. I was having some cool/freaky dreams, and only one was sorta scary.

My main awesome dream was like Resident Evil, and almost everyone was infected, but since I was Alice (I guess, since I kicked ass and was freaking awesome) my BLOOD was the antidote. as in others' blood was infected but my blood was anit-infected :) So I was running around trying to figure out if I should let them bite me and become disinfected, or if that would in turn infect me. So instead I ran over to a hardware store and bought a pocket knife (a real one, not one of those cheesy swiss army things). and ran around pricking my fingers and dropping blood in people's mouths. It was fun. and they weren't trying to bite me, they were staying FAR away from me :) guess they knew I could kick their asses! mwauahahaha. I can't remember my scary dream, just that I woke up scared. and then I woke myself up mumbling. I do that often. I wonder what my neighbors think when I mumble. I'm sure they can hear me, considering I heard an ENTIRE conversation IN MY ROOM from the people who live next door, when I was trying to wake up. manky said when I was sick one time I was mumbling "no, I don't want to go...NO! it's blue!" I wonder what the hell I was dreaming.

oh, and Tian said this is how my name (Isabo) would look in Chinese:

according to my japanese dictionary it says I - Sa - Bo, the characters meaning I - Italy/that one, Sa - sedge, Bo - waves/billow/Poland (read as "Po or Bo"). I'm not sure if the characters mean exactly the same in chinese or not.

~Isabo :)

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