Thursday, April 14, 2005


My stomach tricked us all. I decided yesterday "hmm, I'm hungry, I should eat something instead of popcorn before the movie" so I had a sandwhich. bad idea. no movie. no eating. I think I'll live off water for a few days. In fact, I'll live off water today and go see Sin City damnit! mind over matter eh? and screw it all, I'm going to massage and telling her to touch my stomach at her own risk. mmm...massage...

yea, I was having another strange dream when I woke up today. I was back in japan, except it looked more like texas country? random. and then I gave my host mother (the one I actually had) a puzzle and a calendar and a book? and then she started talking about the book. then we went outside and she sat on the ground and I laid down in front of her with my head in her lap (if anyone gets fruedian on me, I'll kick their asses). and she started telling me about her childhood and the drug lords and drug traffiking that went on while combing my hair?...except (yes, I caould see what she was explaining), all the children were little white kids. there were two whores, one was 2 and the other was 3. they were sisters. I was thinking "dang, aren't they a little young?" and then some snotty cool-wanna-be 5 yr old strutted by, who ended up being their pimp. veeery odd dream.

but don't fear, I didn't see any crazy women with knives. I kept track of my feet :)

~Isabo on water

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