Friday, April 08, 2005


Yea, so I've been busy. and I was having internet probs yesterday, couldn't get on all day. So anyway, thursday night, my massage chick mentioned she was going to a movie, and do I wanna come. I said sure. it was sorta akward, but it was a movie so I didn't have to talk :) her friend seemed nice anyway. I think she feels sorry for me...either that or I'm just so cool she wants to hang with me :P

Today, I woke up early and drove for 2 hours (there were 2 wrecks, really pissed me off, I hate start and go traffic), to another city, and went to their art festival thingy. it was neat. I found a bunch of cool pictures, but they were uber expensive, so I just took the artist's cards instead. once I get a job maybe I'll buy their prints :) it was a lot of fun. strolled up and down the city block with my fibro buddy and drank beer and ate a steak, potato and cheddar tortilla thing. uber delicious.

so now my back is whacked again. I'm thinking that this friend is what whacks my back. first the driving, then the walking, and the sometimes sitting, and then the dcriving. so I took a muscle relaxer and drank more beer. I'm gonna vegetate tonight. in front of a movie on my heating pad and beanie(s). heat is our friend.

anyhoo, on the drive out, I took pictures of the bluebonnets on the side of the highway. then on the way home (which thankfully only took 1 hour...well, I was hauling ass too...going 85 in a 65 at one point...but I was moving with traffic...the faster cars anyway :) fire!) I took pictures of teh sun setting behind me, either in my rearview or sideview mirrors. and then I took a picture of MY city as I whizzed past.

so, go here for today's pictures.


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