Wednesday, April 06, 2005

wee bit of sunshine

it's still been cloudy and uber windy today, but the clouds finally started breaking up and got a few peeks of light. gotta love stormy skies

oh, on another point, I got winked at today! ack! way to boost my ego. I was racing through the grocery getting meds, and, since it's Texas, most people make eye contact with every stranger they pass, or nod, or smile or something. so I'm walking through, doing the eye contact thing, and then this guy walking with his friend (I'd say they were about 22-25ish?) makes eye contact with me and then winks?! and then he was past me.

and then on the drive home I was waiting at a stop light, and get that "eyes on me" feeling and I look over to the car next to me, and this chick (I'd say same age group as me or above guys) is staring at me? so I stare back. and then she smiles at me. and then the light turns green. and we're gone. another ego boost! yay.

but what the heck is up with these people today?? is it the weather? usually people are tired and cranky at rush hour, not bright and flirtaceous. not that my ego or I are complaining ;)

~Isabo (head is swelling as we speak)...keep a thumb tack handy :)

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