cows & Faire
This is for Missy: I have decided that longhorns look really freaking odd, especially when mixed in with the more normal looking cows, and 2 random oxen...actually the oxen looked weirder...but I don't consider oxen cows, even though they're in the same genus. anyway, I saw that and thought I'd share with you :)
ok, next! I'm going to Scarborough Faire today (renaissance fair) with my massage therapist (don't worry, she's only 26ish and acts like she's me! not some old married lady...that'd just be...weird, lol). she couldn't stop talking about it yesterday while she was pounding away on me. I was really happy though, since it was 50 freaking degrees (in may in texas?!?!) she had her heated stones again. love those stones. she plays DAOC so was uber excited when I mentioned this to her. I somehow am thinking she drove her other friends crazy, since they don't like computer games or that sword fighting stuff. so she always uses my massage time to share the gaming drama, lol. good times. she actually works as my mental therapists too, since she constantly has me laughing!
anyway, back to the faire! I'm gonna try honey mead for the first time in my life! woo! I hope it's tasty, it always looks tasty in the viking movies where they drink them out of those horn-shaped goblets. plust the fresh fruit and frozen fruit and chicken and turky legs...mmmm. oh right, of course there's also crafts shops and shows and tournaments :)