Thursday, October 28, 2004

Amazing Discovery

Yesterday, I made the most amazing discovery. When you're driving with the windows down, it's actually cooler to turn the vents off! Isn't that just the grandest discovery ever? I think I should get a prize.

Another goofy thing, I saw my massage person on tuesday, when I was going in for pt, and she looked up with wide eyes and said "hi! weren't coming to see me were you??" at the same time I looked at her and said "oh no, am I supposed to see you today??" So then we both laughed and she said I scared her. So then I come home, forget about it. Wednesday, I forget about it, until last night (thinking I have massage today), I look at the card, and notice I DID have an appt on tuesday, so we both were stupid I guess. Makes me feel better that it wasn't only my stupidity, since this will make the 3rd appt in 2 months that I've missed. My bad 0:)

Oh, and in other news, I met someone from highschool yesterday. I was picking up some chinese takeout, and this lady was in front, and she turned and sorta looked at me funny, then walked by and sat at a table to wait. So I ordered and went and stood by her, and she said, "um, did you by chance go to __ HS? Did you graduate in 00? does your name start with an R? ooh!" so then we were laughing about recognizing people but not remembering their names, and debating on whether or not to say hi and look stupid for not knowing their name, or just not saying anything, and feeling stupid for not saying hi. It was pretty funny. I'm actually suprised she remembers me, b/c I was mostly in classes with her twin, not least I think. They were identical twins after all :)

~Questing through memory forest

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