Sunday, October 24, 2004

fibrofog moments

I don't have anything new to share, so I'm going to share my recent and past fibrofog moments. Fibrofog is a term us FMS sufferers call our stupid moments. Fibro for fibromyalgia, and fog is exactly what it sounds like. See, part of this syndrome, is a loss of cognitive function (either constant, or comes and goes). The problem is, none of us ever gets any real sleep. So you know if you stay up 1-2 days straight, you say and do really stupid things without really thinking about it? It's the same concept, except I haven't slept in 5-6 years. People with fibro have many foggy moments, we forget words, we mis-speak, we forget things, we forget what we're supposed to do, we forget that we forget, we write notes to remind ourselves of what we're forgetting but end up forgetting where we put the note (or even that we wrote a note). So, here is a list of some recent and past fog moments.

-- repeatedly trying to put the milk into the cupboard. After trying to shove the jug in a few times, realize it doesn't fit b/c it's not the fridge

-- trying to drink my deodorant (it took me forever to get the taste out of my mouth)

-- putting the tv remote in the fridge

-- putting ice cream in the pantry

-- rubbing a q-tip in my armpit (I guess I thought the q-tip was my deo?)

-- trying to get the microwave to work, wondering why it's not working even though I'm pushing in the numbers...realizing I'm putting numbers into the "clock" setting rather than the "cook" setting.

-- (in Japan), pouring tea into my yogurt bowl, then yelling "shit" with my hostmother standing right behind me.

-- writing down 6 times (on 6 different pieces of paper) when a friend would arrive at the airport, ending up losing all 6 notes (I still can't find a few of them).

-- showing up for a doc's appt one day late, having forgotten what day it was.

-- forgetting to set my parking brake, frantically running beside my car, trying to get the door open and hit the brakes before my car backs into the building.

I guess that's it, if I think of more, I'll be sure to share.

Oh! I forgot!
The Famous Oreo Story:
So, I'm really foggy/not all there/drugged out on pain meds in highschool, sitting in the chair watching cartoons. Mom walks in with a bag of oreos, grabs a few, and hands me the bag. I doze off, and wake up with an empty bag of oreos, and start yelling obscenities at my mom, saying what a bitch she was for eating all my oreos and not leaving me anything but the empty bag. Her shouting she didn't eat my oreos except the few she took at first. We continue shouting for a few minutes, before she tells me I sat there mechanically munching oreos while staring blankly at the tv. Sure enough, I look down and have this huge expanse of oreo crumbs all over my shirt :)

~craving oreos now...

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