Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So, today was a headache day. I've taken fiorinal all day (which is supposed to cure tension headaches), which means it's not tension...but I can feel that it is. random. Maybe I'm becoming tolerant to yet another drug. Can't take pain pills b/c then you get the pain-pill headache.

It got cold here again. I don't like cold. It is currently 42 (feels like 38), and high tomorrow 48, low 35. Isabo is not amused. Isabo is in texas b/c it's supposed to be hot here.

and is it bad that I want to basically say "screw you" to some poor kid with cancer and no hair, while I go cut off my hair and throw it away? I'm so tempted. It's a pain to take care off. I often can't use my arms to scrub. It's heavy and makes my neck hurt worse. What good is it? But I'll hold out for a little kid. Besides, the website said that red and blonde hair are scarce. only 1-2 more months I think, then *whack* bye bye hair, and I ain't never grownin it out again. It stays above my chin, I don't care what it looks like. I like hats anyway. hats make me feel safe. so do hoodies.

there was something else I wanted to blog about but I can't remember. Other than that it's just me counting down (3 days until mom's gone). It couldn't happen sooner enough. I think it's worse that she's "trying to make it easy on me". I'd prefer it if she didn't tiptoe around (except she physically can't, she stomps and makes noise and crinkles plastic bags, damnit). I'm trying so hard not to blow up at her. And it's not her fault at all, it's completely me. I think maybe I do need to see a counselor. or get different meds. or just be left the hell alone. I'm a hermit, what can I say. I always have been, always will be. Sure, I like a party and meeting people, but I gotta have my time. and when I'm crazy spastic, I really gotta have my time. for everyone else's sake.

enough complaining. I hate that I always complain. I'm surprised anyone still reads this. all it is is *bitch, bitch bitch* *moan* *yell* *whine* *bitch. Guess you all love me anyway since I'm so charming :) or not

~Isabo, suffering a headache which luckily is not a migraine even though the pain is almost as bad (no barfing though, luckily, I'd probably pass out). I'm seeing spots, but I always see spots, so nothing new there. spots are pretty. they are silver, green, red, white. I had a purplish/blue the other day, like lightning. *zap* mmm, lightning. Maybe I"ll go watch one of my stupid, but enjoyable storm movies, like Twister or Day After Tomorrow. Yep, I'm a sucker for those stupid B-class movies. or would those be C? let's see, do I want just tornadoes, or those + rain + flood + ice + freezing (literally) cold + whatever else. oops, I need to sign out again, my good bye turned into another blurb. maybe pain pills make me talk more. They seem to make me like I'm drunk, which is either really talkative or giggly or both. they don't make me giggly though, never giggly.

~Isabo, logging out (finally) :)

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