Saturday, March 12, 2005

showers & spiders

Ok, I took a shower. And I gleefully noticed that my drain is clogged again. You know what this means? It means Draino! and this means my skanky neighbor's bathroom will smell like draino too! mwuahahahaha. maybe shedding like a dog comes in handy.

and I counted 10 spider bites in varying degrees of healing. I think it might be time to vacuum my bedroom again. I still haven't figured out WHEN and WHERE I get these spider bites, so I always assume at night, when I'm sleeping. but I never find little spider bodies or anything near my bed. Nor near the chair I always sit in. Not in my car. Maybe they're little ninja spiders that come sneaking in when I least expect it.

~Isabo (walking around her apt spraying against spiders) ...I'm not about killing animals who are just trying to live, but if they bite me, they've gotta go. Little buggers. Why can't we all just get along?!

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