Saturday, March 12, 2005

XENA!!! finally!

My heart has healed, I have xena! wahoo! I am so excited. Unfortunately my dvd player (after I beat it into submission using fist and screwdriver) decided to break again. It's bad enough trying to watch a movie and blotting out the sounds of rocks in a blender. Then it does the stop-skip-die thing. And I'm not risking xena in that. lol, I'm such a nut. I've saved up for over 3 months for this. I'm not gonna let my dying dvd player ruin that.

I slept until 5pm today. then we went out and got said xena dvds, and mom wants to go out to see a movie tonight "if it won't hurt you" I hate it when she says that, even though it's nice, but you konw...or not. Oh, and I thought of a new anagram (if that's even what these things are called. anachronym? whatever) STFU - Shut.The.F*ck.Up. It's hard to say though, SFU would be better.

And is it bad that I can't remember the last time I showered? I just put a hat on today, to hide it from everyone else. For the past two weeks I've only showered when I had to. (and when I couldn't remember the last time...obviously it having been so long ago) It's too much trouble otherwise. I can't wait until I cut my hair off (Locks of Love). Then I can just stand under the shower and not have to move my arms. Besides, I don't think my neighbors (ie. the "stop having orgies with your brother" guy) would appreciate me showering at 3 am when I'm really awake. *shudders* I am so glad that I haven't seen that guy since "the incident" ...nasty skanky dude.

Too bad I can't pull a xena on him and whup his butt. I think I'd probably end up on the news: crazy girl sent to hospital with spasming back and broken skull after attempting to kick the crap out of her neighbor. Apparently the neighbor side-stepped and the crazy girl went flying down the stairs after attempting to perform the gravity-defying flips and flying-kick-attack like the warrior princess.

~Isabo (has xena on the brain)

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