Wednesday, March 16, 2005

weird drunkeness?

Ok, so I woke up today feeling really wobbly and just out of it. We go along, I have shaky hands and body like normal, but now add sluggishness to it. Now slow my brain down to about half speed, knuckle punch me right between my eyes (more on forehead than nose) and that's how the inside of my head feels, with my eyes trying to cross. SO I basically felt really drunk, and like I'd fallen and hit my head. probably not a good combination. I doubt it's anything I did yesterday, but who knows. My body loves me, obviously. Oh, mom said I was even slurring my words, VERY noticeably. Go me. So I not only feel drunk, I look and sound drunk. And my hands were shaking so badly I could barely operate my chopsticks at lunch. *twitch* *shake* mom thinks it's neurological, I just think she's crazy.

"Life is great" is a bumper sticker I saw today, I just snorted at it. Probably not a good outlook to have when filling out medical power of attorneys. luckily (probably because I feel like ass today), I haven't been snapping at mom so much. 2 1/2 more days. Then she goes bye-bye. And I called crazy psycho doc, I'm gonna see him on monday and sit him down and make him listen to me. lock his door if I have to. He sorta pisses me off, because he is SOOOO happy. I can't tell if he's on medication or not, but no human has the right to feel that happy (can we say "bitter?"). Maybe I can try what he's using. unless his body actually likes him and produces the proper amounts of happy, good chemicals.

I think I might go take a nap, and get back on my vampire schedule. This day-time thing really doesn't have any positives for me, other than giving me a light-sensitive headache. maybe it helps that restaurants and shops, other than fastfood and walmart/target are actually open, but I don't get out much anyway...and the hot pool is only open until 5-6pm...but it opens at 6am, maybe I can stay up all night and do pool from 6-8 and then sleep the day away.


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