Monday, May 09, 2005

Boy Hair :-/

ok, it's official, I have boy hair. I look like the little boofy-haired kid from Love Actually. The other hair cut was just bad. this one is ok...but it's boy hair. But at least I don't have huge glomps of hair sticking out in random places. now my whole head just sorta sticks out in every direction. Not to mention I apparently have a huge fucking cowlick in right in front, just a little to the right of the middle, that totally curls up about half my front and lets the other half flop around...

anyhoo...I think I'm going to wear a hat for quite a while. Maybe I'll start wearing doo-rags :) and ick, that lady put this nasty gel in it, I'm gonna go shower. maybe I'll spike it :)


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