SHORT HAIR!!! (and a ticket)
Ok, first unfortunate series of events today. Got a ticket. So I was going 84 in a 70...that's not SOOOO bad *ahem* state trooper guy had really pretty eyes though. First ticket of my life, guess I lasted this long. I guess I was hauling ass. anyhoo...
Ok, I went and got a free haircut, for Locks of Love. They pulled my hair back and whacked off my pony tail. I was thinking I'd need to buzz it, but they just whacked the tail. which left the bottom/back of my head basically shorn, and the top all flappy. So, for once, I can drive with the windows down and not get hair in my eyes! woot! I can eat and not get hair in my mouth. and I can satisfy my scruffy-head ...I guess it's a fetish? I HAVE to rub a buzzed head. I have to. So now the back of my head is sorta buzzed, so I get to rub that...and I have been ;)
Ok, ok. Go here for pics of old (long) and new (short). long ones were from last year though, don't have recent photos. guess you'll finally get to see what I look like too. (mom, keep your paranoid thoughts to yourself!) :-P