Saturday, May 07, 2005

no faire, still have hair...that rhymes

Ok, we were wrong, weekdays seem to be "school kid" days, the little brats. so we weren't allowed in even though we begged and talked to 3 people. Oh yea, and she's 28, not 26 (I had thought 26-28 so I did well!), and she thought I was 25!!! lol, guess I act mature? mwuahahaha. So instead we drove through a few of the small towns, that had like 20 people populating them. one was called "West" and was originally a Czech settlement. They had some yummy pastries. that was basically our day. I came back and crashed on pain killers and stayed up all night, then slept all day and woke up tonight at 9pm. so that means I missed my hair cutting which was going to occur on friday. So I'll see if they're open today, if not it'll have to wait for monday. I can't wait. I still haven't decided how much to 1 inch? 2? I think I'll either buzz or stay at 1 inch. I want to give as much hair as possible, and figure my ego can suffer for the cause.

Now I'm off to see what kind of trouble I can get into :)

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