LOTR extended trilogy! (and star wars)
Ok, I finally finished yesterday, watching the entre Lord of the Rings extended cut trilogy + all commentaries + all appendices. All in all I think it took me over a month, but of course I couldn't just sit down and watch. that'd be about 10 hours for the 3 movies, + 4x10 = 40 hours for the commentaries for the 3 movies, + about 60? (don't know) minutes of appendices. So much fun :) I feel like I've accomplished something great :)
other than that been hanging with the mother figure and going to see movies since she doesn't get them until months later. speaking of...
we both didn't really enjoy Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. We thought it was slow and boring...sure the fights were pretty cool, but other than that, pretty damn dull. Granted we both enjoy the original trilogy better. Hope others aren't as disappointed as we were. I know bro really enjoyed it. I think if they had cut out about 1 hour of the film, it woulda been great.
anyhoo, cheers to all. sorry for not posting much, not really much to say.
Oh! I DIDN'T get called "SIR" but I was called a nice "doorMAN" when I held the door open for some old people...again, it was an old man who mistook my sex. so is that 3 strikes I'm out or 3 balls and I have one more left? ...hehehe, that sounds funny considering the conversation :)
~an amused Isabo