Monday, May 16, 2005


Urinary Tract Infections...they are not nice. Yea, last night was wonderful. I'm sitting, reading a book, and turn over a bit...and have a blow torch in my crotch. not nice. and then I had to suffer all night and wait until 2 freaking pm to see the doc. So FINALLY I get some meds and this cool pain killer stuff that apparently numbs your bladder and urethra and turns your pee highlighter-orange. My bladder is becoming happier as we speak.

Word to the wise (for anyone, but more for guys): Do not EVER make fun of UTIs. Ever. Unless you want to die a horrible death at the hands of the enraged, suffering person. This is worse than making fun of PMS, and mayhap more dangerous. I once had someone laugh at me having a UTI when I told them...I was fricking pissing blood that felt like lava, and couldn't stand up straight. and I was laughed at. I was not happy.

Hope everyone else is having a better day than me

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