Monday, February 07, 2005

new motto & dreams

I guess I'm in a posting mood today. Probably b/c I'm so sleep deprived there's two of everything. It's like when I'm drunk, I get more talkative...same with lack of sleep? anyhoo...

New motto: I heard this in fibro group, I really liked it: "This too shall pass". in other words que sera sera. the story was this woman's 88 yr old woman fell and broke both her arms, and sitting in her hospital bed she just smiled and said "this too shall pass."

Ok, I'm going to bed, gonna let the world pass me by. I just hope I have pleasant dreams for once. Why is it I remember all my horrible nightmares but I can't remember the happy dreams? Do I have happy dreams I wonder? Night before last I had a few nightmares. First one was a long dream that I know I tried to wake up from a few times, but I couldn't. It was Freddy Krueger. It was horrible, he was killing everyone, and I was there, and I was being killed (whoever says you can't die in your sleep is a lier), and we were all running and hiding but no matter where we went he found us. I woke up from that one with the silent scream (the one where you sit there for a few moments attempting to scream, then realizing nothing is coming out and flop back down to sleep). Then I was an Elektra-esque person, but all in black leather :) but all these gangsters were chasing me and I couldn't get away, and it was just chasing the whole time, and it ended up in a stressful highspeed car chase, and of course I crashed and felt a shit load of pain and woke up in pain (I hate it when that happens). So then I flopped back down after re-arraging myself, and had another dream, which I can't remember, but I woke up from that one with the sit-and-gasp with the racing heart. Ended up sleeping until 4pm, and stayed up all night. it's now 5:50ish, and I'm dragging, and really want to go to sleep, but of course the people under me came home and started blasting their tv. damn bass can be felt through the floor. *le sigh*

~signing off

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