Thursday, February 10, 2005

One of those days...

Yep, this is a major fog day. Barely slept last night, which is probably why I'm so out of it today. So, here's my fibro-fog story for today:

I pour my cereal into my sugar (which reminds me, I need to find some way to sift it out). Then I pour my cereal into my tea!? Then I put my cereal in the fridge and get a bowl out of the dishwasher. I look at the empty bowl, and then I just managed to stop myself before pouring the milk in the sugar (with the cereal in there). So then I can't find my cereal, and I try to put the milk in the pantry, and realize that's not right. So I finally get the cereal out of the fridge and manage to do the rest with no problem. So that's fine, I go to fibro group, I'm a bit spaced out but everyone else seems to be as well. So I leave group, and I blink and notice that I'm on the highway halfway home...I have no idea how/when I got there. I guess I drove on autopilot or something. Sorta scary when that happens, always freaks me out. Luckily it doesn't happen to often. So then I force myself to concentrate the rest of the way (a bit tricky I must say). And now it's 3pm and I haven't eaten lunch...I don't think. ack.

lol, at least I can laugh at myself, right? it's pretty damn funny. definitely a "wtf mate?!" kinda actions. the milk in the pantry thing actually happens quite often. The car thing still scares me though, it's a little freaky isn't it? To be driving around without really paying any attention? And it's not that I wasn't concetrating or I was day dreaming, I was just sorta "not there." *que twilight music*

and I collected yet another mother today! One who invited me to snuggle up in her house, watch movies, drink hot chocolate and sleep in the feather bed in her guest room! I've never slept on a feather bed...I just might have to take her up on that. Except I think she sleeps on that bed since it's so comfy, and I wouldn't want to steal her bed...she's funny though. We clicked immediately in group, don't know why though, just one of those random friend-clicking things. Too bad you don't get the sound effects when that happens *CLICK* :) So that gives me 4 official moms here, as well as 7 unoffical ones, with the real mom visiting every once in a while. Then I have a mom in new hampshire, and a used-to-be-mom when I was dating her son, she'd still probably mother me too. Hehehehe. Does this mean I need to be mothered and draw mother-figures to me? Or am I just a loveable cute 'lil munchkin that they wish was their own! mwuahahahahaha

~floating in fog land

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