Friday, February 25, 2005

sleep decisions

So, I have decisions to make based on sleep. I changed my sleep meds and 1 anti-D. So here's the gist:

Before (the change):
1. trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep, trouble getting deep sleep
2. very realistic, intense nightmares
3. wake up hurting and tired

After (the change):
1. trouble getting to sleep, maybe trouble getting deep sleep (I can't tell)
2. less intense nightmares, less "aware" of the nightmares, don't remember them as often
3. wake up hurting, tired, naseous, and basically "bad" and "off"
3a. feel bad/nauseous all day
3b. totally crash late afternoon, ie. feel worse/sicker, fall over and pass out on the couch.

So far the cons seem to outweigh the pros. I have a lot of trouble getting up in teh morning on the new stuff, and again I feel like crap all day. I'm almost thinking I will take nightmares and less sleep/more disrupted sleep over (maybe) deeper sleep (I can't tell b/c I feel so bad?!) and feeling like ass.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd lay that out there, since I oh so love to complain all the time. I need to find something new to discuss. Like why isn't the sky green. And why can't you eat clouds even though they look like cotton candy. Where are all the magics and fantasticalical creatures. Why are human so destructive. If you were a vampire, would blood taste really good to you? (I would hope so). If you had the choice of flying or invisibility, which would you choose?

I think I might go crash on the couch again, even though I just woke up from a 4 hour nap. I love naps. naps are my friend.


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