Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Awake? what? who?

Yes, 4:20am, I'm still awake. I have spent 4 hours reading Tian's (what tian has learned) blog. Freaking hilarious. Go read it. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I still have to go through his blog. I'm interested since I studied Japanese. I always loved it when guys walk around with "man" or girls with "woman" on their arms...always reminds me of public restrooms? or dog, that one's funny too. are they calling themselves a dog? do they like dogs? or does the kanji/character just look cool? lol. Although the Japanese have lots of EngRish. I know I was in a KFC there, and their emergency fire escape ladder sign said "fire escape Ladder. Use this Radder in case of fire. Lower Ladder using..." I thought it was funny. Actually I have some funny signs from Japan, I should post them...how do you post pictures? I'll figure it out.

I suppose I should go to sleep now, the 'rents will be here in ~7 hours. Give me 5min (optimistic) - never (pesimistic) (most likely shorter amount of time since I'm drugged, and will use muscle relaxer on top of that to sleep). Strangely enough, these pain killers don't make me sleepy, just stupid and out of it. (hey, at least I can blame it on something, right! mwuaha!). In highschool I was always knocked out and drooling everywhere (literally). I was sometimes afraid to use the computer...joked about dripping drool on the keyboard and setting of sparks *boom* *whoosh* there goes Isabo.

Oh right, I was heading off to bed, wasn't I? Or am I? I think I'm a type A personality, b/c I always want to finish something, not stop in the middle (aka reading Tian's blog for 4 hours). I could have gone to bed at midnight. I'm as exhausted now as I was then, I'm as only-slightly-sleepy as I was then. I wonder if being a student warped me. I got so used to all-nighters, that I automatically push myself to stay awake? nah, that couldn't be it :) That's right, blame everything on the education system. THEY made me procrastinate. THEY made me play MUDs, chat on IM, look for cool fantasy pictures (no, not that kind you sicko), etc.

I just lost my train of thought. I'm going to shut up now. And go dream about my wet-suit turned inside out. I wonder if I can get the 'rents to skip lunch with me...nah, I never pass up food. especially since they'll probably want to eat out. I can't wait till dad leaves (oops, that sounds bad, not like that!) b/c once he's gone, and we don't have to go to the restaurants he likes, since he's here for so short a time, we can go to sushi! (sorry bro *snickers*) that's the best place ever. unagi...mmm... *drools* and azuki icecream! I looooooove red beans. it's an aquired taste I heard, but I love it...mmm, mochi (hehehe, you too mochi, actually you're as sweet as the candy...aw crap, that sounded bad (Does Y. read this?). it's taken out of context! and I can't say anything that sounds innocent even though it was...let's see, "lick" won't work, "bite" won't work...HEADBUTT!!! headbutt the woogies! WOOGIES *bite* *chomp* ...I'm just digging myself deeper here aren't I?) actually manky was quite tasty too...especially the time I licked chocolate off her arm. Can you believe she was gonna wipe it off?? What kind of nut throws away SWEDISH chocolate?! (Marabou, you have to try it, so good) So of course I would lick it off her arm, right? right? never waste chocolate. ever.

(mochi - you have warped me, I have to physically restrain myself from poking people's woogies in public. bad mochi!)

ok, I'm finally off to bed, I've rambled for 20 minutes, that's enough, right?

~nighty night...Isabo *drools*

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