Friday, May 27, 2005

dad & spiders

Daddy arrived. We got him some Arby's and they went to the hotel and I walked home. the darn gate wouldn't take my code, so I tried the other one and it was unlocked? random. Then this orange cat started following me.

Then I come home and find, hiding behind my shelves holding my dvd collection, this huge freaking spider. Like bigger than me! ack! It's weird, I don't have Arachnophobia, I just hate the little shits. They always follow and bite me. I get about 1-3 bites PER DAY!! It doesn't matter if someone sprays my entire apartment. without fail, I am bitten. damn their eyes! most of the smudges marking my walls (count about 30+) are small spiders, the largest about the size of a pea, including legs. The one I just found was a bit bigger than a pea (it's frickin FAT ASS BODY!!!), add the legs you get something about the size of a nickel. I tried to squash it but I must have jiggled it's webbing because it high-tailed it outta there. so I sprayed about half a can of "supposed" spider-killing stuff behind said shelving. I doubt I hit it. I'll wait for it to appear again and hope to kill the mofo.

Why the hell do they have to bother me??? I would leave them in peace if they did. I don't like killing things just because I might not like them, that's not nice or fair. But damnit, if they start flocking towards me...and walk across the room towards me...and crawl along the ceiling and drop down on me...and sneak out from behind a bookshelf and start webbing towards me, then I'm gonna kill the little bastards before they add more bites and scars to me. And yes, in other cultures, spiders are a symbol of good luck. I'd rather have luck that didn't itch, hurt, scar or sicken me. damnit.

anyway, on a happier note, I'm glad dad's here. hehehe...that means a cook out! mmm...he makes THE BEST steaks and burgers (sorry Missy).

Isabo...on the hunt for the big ass mean spider...(if s/he had just come out nicely I'd have caught him in a cup and thrown him outside...but nooooo, had to take the hard way)

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