Sunday, July 24, 2005

end of break (maybe) :)

I felt the urge to blog, lol. I can't escape. so, to catch peeps up on things:

parents bought a house in may. I generously offered to house sit for them. Can you believe how gracious I am in my sacrifice? I don't have to listen to neighbors talking, shouting, blaring music and tvs, and getting jiggy with it all night. I don't have to have neighbors who never smile or wave at me. I don't have to have my nextdoor neighbor basically call me a whore and accuse me of having UBER loud orgies (with my bro I might add...I really hope he didn't know we were related). So can you believe the sacrifices I'm making, just to do this difficult favor of house sitting for my parents? mwuahaha :)

June we went on vacation to see family in NC. It was boring and miserable. But at least I got to see 3 members of the family that I like (plus a dog who loved me). There were some other family visiting...let's just say evasion and escape are nice skills to have...end of story, lol. Ohhh...the beach, I love the beach. on the way to the beach, in this little piddly town that only exists because it's on the way to the beach, I saw all these signs and advertisements for a 5K walk for ALS. I was shocked! Both at such a small place, and at the people inhabiting the area. Not to be rude (because it's true), but the majority of those people in that area are...large? They eat fried foods almost every meal, that'll give you a picture. So I was shocked that these people would offer to walk or run 5K. Made me proud of small little towns.

Ok, beach experiences:
First day, forgot to put sunscreen on my chest...for the first 3 hours I was out there. Lobster red and painful. I also got stung by a jelly fish on my inner thigh (OH! and I peed on my leg, to test out the "urine numbs jelly fish sting" theory, and it worked! until I washed it off.)

2nd day: wear shirt, chest still painful and starting to blister. rough waters, get tossed by a wave, shoved under water by it, flipped and slammed into the sand under teh second wave, and skidded about 5 ft underwater. I had so much sand in my ears I'm surprised it wasn't dripping out for weeks. I cut my foot and scraped my leg while trying to stop my crazy ride towards shore. I stopped a few inches infront of these kids (I was trying not to smack into them...I'm so nice) :)

3rd day: cut open the bottom and side of my foot on sharp shells. burned my feet (sand was uber hot).

all in all, it was a nice experience.

once back home, the packing starts. and goes on and on and on. we slowly move things from apt to house using one or two cars. we receive our storage shipment. lots of unpacking...lots. everyone gets cranky, yelling, yea. we all need our space, but can't really have it yet. Just moved the big stuff today in a u-haul. finally have furniture to sit on, and my bed! w00t

Volunteering: hasn't been happening. moving has totally wiped me out. I need to get in 6 hours before the end of the month :-/

work: hasn't happened yet. too wiped out. Will start looking for easy jobs (aka data entry). work from home would rock out, but I think I'll have to go into an office...which is not a bad thing.

gaming: has been happening sporadically. sharing comp with bro & mom. sharing game with bro. not much time to play :(

blogging: same thing. don't have enough time to blog, or when I do, I'm too tired to do it. So there may be a big break from this post to next.

concluding remarks:
~~this house needs a cat (mayhap from the shelter? oooo...)
~~I have enough books to read for 1 year (I read really fast, but I got all my old books out of storage, gotta reread them) :)
~~I think that's it?


Friday, July 01, 2005


Too many things going on. Moving. Parents. Trips. I'm calling an official hiatus until the end of summer, either august or sept probably. Hope everyone stays well in the mean time. Love & hugs to all.


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