Monday, October 31, 2005



Sunday, October 30, 2005 (will be) a bad patient >_<

So, on the 2nd, mom is going in for uber surgery. Dad arrives tomorrow evening, and will stay a week or 2. They will probably keep her in hospital for 6 days or so, then she'll come home...and be a horrible patient. Let's review a few recent events to prove how...ignorant...and...stubborn...she can be:

1. in march, she slipped on the ice and whacked her wrist against a building...pain. lots of pain. What does she do? nothing...ends up, 2 months later, when she finally goes to doctor, that she fractured it. because she was a dumb ass (excuse me mom), she now has a bone spur/bad healing spot, which is still basically a fractured and painful and semi-useless wrist. She has a brace to wear. She choses not to, then goes and does stupid vacuuming o_O

2. sometime over the summer she "broke" her small toe (she thought). taped it together and waddled around for a while. It didn't stop hurting. She ignored it for who knows how long. Come to find out, she tore a ligament in her foot and is basically screwed. So they give her a bledsoe boot to use. which she doesn't really use...if you have a broken leg and they give you use them, right? So why doesn't she use the boot in a more reasonable fashion (aka actually wear the damn thing when I'm not on her case??) o_O

3. stubborn as a jack the saying goes. I think she gets it from her mother and her father. gma is psycho stubborn. She wants to come visit at thanksgiving...let's not talk about that >_< back to mom: stubborn, independent, willfull, ambitious...these qualities are not bad...unless you're in a situation where you need to be taken care of >_<

So it will be interesting. I expect many "no, I can do this..." "leave me alone" "NO" ...meanwhile hurting herself when she could easily ask for assistance. Yes, I know it's important not to get dependent on help, not to become a useless invalid, not to expect people to do things for you, not to use and abuse your body in a healthy way so it can fully repair itself. But she goes a little overboard. So this might be interesting.

And yes mom, I call you bad names, you call me bad names...sometimes you get on my last nerve (which is frayed to the extreme as it is)...sometimes I really don't like you (or like myself being around you)...but I still love you and care for you and like you and adore you and need you and want you (no, not in the oedipus/elektra way o_O). it's like in home for the holidays..."you're a pain in the ass, you have bad hair, but I really like you..." except your hair isn't that bad :P Anyway, I have, and will, bitch and moan about you, but remember I love you :)


Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ok, I survived NC. and I am aunt's dog loves me, goes absolutely crazy when I'm there. We call her slut-puppy. At the drop of a hat, she'll roll over and spread her legs o_O uber slut puppy >_< doesn't even need to be paid, roflmao.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


why is it you make plans and then months later you think "shit, what the hell made me do that??" ...I'm leaving for NC soon to visit family. jackasses always bug the hell outta me >_< only ones I really want to see are aunt & uncle, and mom's mom. rest of them can go screw themselves as far as I'm concerned. Semi good news is that travelling and sleeping on shitty beds will really screw up my body, so hopefully I can drown out emotional pain with physical pain and pain killers...hey, I can hope can't I? and no, nothing exciting will happen. furkin small town where it's in the news if someone sneezes. which sucks, because it means all members of our family, and all their friends, and their friends, and assholes we don't even know will expect us to spend time with them, and get offended if we don't. like I said, jackasses.


Saturday, October 15, 2005


It's weird, I don't have anything new to say or share, yet feel obligated to say something >_< Anyhoo, guess I should let those who care know I'm still alive and haven't kicked my own can yet. I'm not doing well mentally, but like I said, life's a bitch, what can you do.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Life's a bitch, and then you die.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


So, I suppose I should have posted a long time ago and said "yo, I'm fine" lol. We didn't even get any rain. It was sunny, beautiful, 90s. perfect weather. feel sorry for all those that got flooded out though >_<

nothing much has been going on. I've been sick for 2 weeks, luckily not whooping cough this time :) I saw rheumy today, so of course he had to poke and prod. made my hip hurt, the one I already hurt last week >_< darn him. He wants me to go more middle ground on the spastic diet, which I have been doing anyway, gradually :) Doesn't make sense, you'd think losing weight would make your joints feel better, since it drastically decreases the PSI on knees and hips and such. But nooooo...apparently it makes joints ache more >_< and dieting often causes increase of depression, but it's not talked about since everyone seems to have a stigma about depression. So I'm going more middle ground. I suppose I'd rather be fat and alive than skinny and dead. not that weight was even the reason why I started the diet...just a side effect >_<

so anyway, that's it...I finished another jigsaw puzzle? lol. I'm so accomplished.

Oh, and go see Serenity! Sooooooo good. Lots of action, little jump out and boo scenes, hilarious dialogue, a wee bit of drama and romance. has everything. so good. The whole theatre apllauded when it was over. but they're random like that here :)


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