Saturday, January 29, 2005

Hobby anyone?

So, anyone have some ideas for more hobbies for me? Soccer was a hobby since I was 5, but alas that is out of the question, along with every other sport. I took up knitting for a while, but I can't do that anymore b/c of my wrists. I took up cross stitch, but sometimes that gets a little dull, ya know? So I watch movies, I do some puzzles, and I cross stitch. Oh, and I read, I love books. And play video games. Are there any other cool hobbies out there that I'm missing? Just curious.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

Wipe Out!

So, It's frickin freezing again when I wake up and head out for fibro group, and I try to start my car...nothing, just the wwrrrrr noise. So I try again, and it struggles and starts after another try. I was thinking "damn, I just had this serviced last week!" I guess it was just cold; after that it worked fine.

So, then I almost completely wiped out in my car. I was going to fibro group, and it had started raining. And you know how the roads get all slick because of the oil in the concrete, so I'm coming off the highway (luckily an exit that isn't often used, b/c it splits into "highway south" and "little piddly road"). So, I'm turning onto the little piddly road, and since it's a little piddly road, it is cheesy ass, broken, slippery half-mixture of I don't even know what. It's asphault and concrete I guess. So I go to turn (a curve), and hit that old pavement, and think "hey, what's this airborn feeling?" And it was really cool, I didn't even think about it, by the time I thought "turn into the spin" I had already corrected the first spin, it had swung back and I was correcting that one. I ended up doing a squiggly S shape, and only took up 2 lanes doing it! I was proud of myself :) and glad no one was around. And glad I didn't spin off the road.

So then I get to fibro program, and I'm uber tired and hurting, so I splatted my self down half on the table, half in the chair, and vegetated there for 2 hours, then we went to the pool, but I feel asleep floating with my head resting on the edge...missed about 35 minutes worth of exercise until someone accidently bumped me, don't know why they didn't wake me up. And of course I always jerk really hard when someone wakes me up, so I almost levitated out of the water.

Then, on the way home I stop at a restaurant for a bite to eat, and there's this team of young girls (some school thing I guess), who had come down from Michigan? Why the hell would they come down here? yo no se. So, I hear them saying "what are hush puppies!?" So I start laughing, although I don't know why, not that funny. OOOOH, speaking of funny, I got Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, so stupid and funny. I love the raccoon part. Almost as stupid as Charlies Angels, which I find hilarious as well.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

stupid old men (sorry, generalizing)

Ok, so I'm in walmart, waiting to check out (with just 3 items I might add, in the "under 10 items only" line but this 60ish yr old guy in front of me had about 25+) anyway, so the chick is ringing up his stuff, and he starts saying "women aren't smart." So she was like "gee, I'm not smart enough to count these, do you want to make sure I got it right?" just to politely rag back at him (unfortunately the customer is always right, the bastards). So this dude keeps blathering on about how stupid women are. Meanwhile, the cash register chick is telling him "you have to hit that button, no! slide your card that way, ok, now sign there, and push ok. no, you pushed cancel, do it again..." How stupid are women if this dude can't even pay for his goods? What an asshole.

Anyway, sorry, I'm not ragging on guys. Just on a specific stupid ass of your particular sex. guys have it hard just like women do. I mean hell, a guy can sneeze wrong, and a woman can slap a sexual harrassment lawsuit on him. How fair can that be? and what about men being drafted and women not? Dude, if we wanted equal rights, we gotta take the equal shit as well. women can die just as easily as men, which seems to be the goal of mr. top asshole george bush. Has anyone found the "weapons" yet? And dude, how come we can have all the weapons we want, but others can't...or only our "friends" can, but under supervision. I really wish I could say what I want about bush--unfortunately I can't, especially with all the bullshit he screwed up with our privacy and rights--someone would come throw me in jail.

anyhoo, sorta reminded me of japan, and my hostfather especially. now that was an ass with capital letters and bold print. maybe even italics. (I'd put him up there with Bush...but Bush gets underlined and different coloring).

ok, I'm done bitching. didn't mean to turn that into a rant, but what the hell, ranting is fun, right? right.

~nan desu ka

Thursday, January 20, 2005


I really liked this movie. Saw it tonight. So much better than DareDevil. At least I didn't laugh my butt off at the first scene. When darv devil fell into the church and whacked the altar and rolled across the floor I started laughing hysterically and couldn't stop. Didn't realize that part wasn't supposed to be funny. Anyway, back to Elektra, no annoying ben afflect...I really don't like him for some reason, don't know why though. Like I hate jeff bridges and kevin bacon. Why? Yo no se, just do. And that girl that was in the horse whisperer, the one who looks like the middle Hanson boy *shudders* Don't get me started on that. ANYWAY, back to Elektra :) Really predictable, but had awesome effects and cool kick-ass moves and weapons and magic and stuff. I thought it was great. I want some sais and red silky flowy clothes, well, and a great body too. What's the point of cool clothes if you don't have the body to go with them, right? Yea, so anyway, go see the movie. I give it a comic book two thumbs up. Oooh, that reminds me, I really wanna see Sin City. that looks kick ass too. Oh yea, and yet another marvel is coming out later, the fabulous four. doesn't look as good as sin city or elektra, but whatever.

~ready to fork someone! how cool is that? Big ass fork weapons, yes, I know they're sais, but still, fork...wonder what a spork weapon would be? hehehe "I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The birds... o_O

OMG, tonight was insane. Driving down the road, it's rush hour, I have my windows down attempting to listen to music. What do I hear? Roar of wings flapping and lots of squaking. I look up. The sky is BLACK with birds. If you've ever seen bats leave their caves right at's exactly like that. If not, erm, imagine a swarm of gnats, the area in front of your face is thick with them, and you can't really see through them. Now color in the gnats black, blow them up, and stick them in the sky. VERY scary. So anyway, I pull into a parking lot and go into a store. I go the to deepest part of the store. What do I hear? Flapping and squaking! IN THE STORE!!! I leave the store, and the trees, building and cars and ground and curbs are completely black with birds. It's like Hitchcock's The Birds. So I high tail it outta there and run home. lol, it's freaky but funny. I don't know if they're starting to migrate back north, or there's still some coming down south, or if they're just gathering for a big pre-migration party. Seriously, if birds decided to take over the world, this would be the place they started. Reminds me of Pinky and the Brain "Tonight we will take over the world!"

*chirp* *flap* I must admit, the flapping of bird wings is sorta relaxing, just a constant roar...sorta like a waterfall? Minus the bird talk, if you could silence the birds and just hear the flapping that'd be great.

Satin and fuzzy

Random comment. Dearest manky sent me a body pillow covering, since she can't be around to hug me. So instead I go hug my body pillow. Anyway, it's blue, of course :) Royal blue for the royal princess. Satiny on one side, softy & fuzzy on the other. I haven't yet decided which side I like best. I think I'll end up leaving the satin side down, so I can feel the touchy side. I feel sorry for my teddy bear, he's been getting less attention. Instead of cuddling him, I lay there and rub the touchy feely side of the pillow case with my hand. But boy, I gotta tell ya. If you have never had satin between your legs, I highly recommend it. Such a wonderous feeling, a cool, soft, silky pillow on your thighs, or stomach, or face. An awesome feeling indeed. Tempts me to go by satin sheets but I thinmk they're uber spastic expensive.

Oh, and my bathroom light switch blew up, so the maintenance guy came to fix it, and stopped and stared in my bedroom and said "OH! is someone in there???" and he kept pointing at my bed. Pretty funny. Ok, enough of the touchy feely stuff, I have to go get felt up and rubbed down :) unfortunately just a massage, nothing else *le sigh*


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

More Odd Bird Behavior

This is random, I know, but I keep noticing it, and it's sorta funny. I don't konw if it's just birds here or birds everywhere, I've never noticed it anywhere else...but then again there's not this huuuuuuge population of birds everywhere. Anyway, about 98% of the time, when I see a group of birds sitting on powerlines, in trees, on buildings, fences, wherever...they are all facing the exact same direction. Not just generally fasting East or whatever, but they're facing East to 63 degrees. It's sort of cute in a way. Especially when you have this huge amount of birds all looking one way, then there's these 2 random birdies facing the opposite direction. I wonder how they all decide which direction to look. Follow the lead bird? sunrays? air currents?, that's sort of odd. I just realized, on my drive home (about a 15 minute drive). I was following one road, generally in the same direction, and all the bird groups I saw were all facing the same direction...even if the groups were separated by a few miles. Hmm, I wonder if it's a species thing. Innate ability to face towards point A. Yea, anyway, I'm random.

~Birds on the brain

Monday, January 17, 2005


It's interesting. Today my pain level is really high, but my mind is not really there. It's what I call fibro fog. basically a brain cloud. foggy mind. It's like my mind made itself a painkiller. I feel all the effects (or is it affects? I can never remember) of a pain killer - the world is far away, can't concentrate, foggy feeling, heavy, mindless. in fact I just lost my train of thought. I've been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to figure out what I was thinking about. Anyway, I thought it was interesting. The magical body at work. Just shows how separate mind and body really are. Makes me wonder about the third - "spirit" or "soul." except right now I can't wonder, I'm too spacey. Maybe I'll post later (if I remember)


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Vampire ideas

Well, since I know at least 3 other people read my page, I'll pose a question to you all. I've been thinking a lot about writing (don't worry bro, we'll share), since I can't do much else. I always have wacky ideas anyway, and mostly live in a fantasy world, so why not try my hand at fantasy stuff? eh? At least it can be a hobby :) So anyway, on to the question:

Do you consider vampires creatures of darkness or light or both?

If darkness, COULD you consider them being creatures of light?

I had a dream that vampires are actually creatures of light, and that's the reason they can't stand light. Since they themselves are a part of light, if they ever encounter light, they will join with it and become light. So it doesn't technically kill them, it just rejoins them with their element. What do you think? could something like this be plausible? If you read a story that had these kinds of vampires, would you say "what?? hell no!" and throw it across the room, or would you read it and see what kind of whacky ideas would follow?

Please comment :) If there are any anonymous readers, you can comment as well (please!) And bro, you can email me since I know we'll be talking about this spastically for a while :) maybe we can write a bunch of different branches: vampire books, magical books, true fantasy books :)


Monday, January 10, 2005

Readers? Anyone?

Just out of curiousity, does anyone besides me and bro actually read this?

If so, you want me to explore different themes? Yes, I know it's dark, and broken, but there are other things to search for. Any suggestions? Any comments? Anything?

If not, it just proves how much of a broken loser I really am :)


I'm Baaaack!

Howdy Folks. Guess I should say Hola. It's funny, got back yesterday, but I was still in the spanish mind set so I kept saying "hola" and "gracias" to all the airport people. Oh, and bro taught me more swedish...his favorite phrase "ya men hej, de ya!" Which is like "dude! It's you!"

Sunlight is a magical thing. I actually have a tan! I can't believe it, I haven't gotten tan in about 3 years, maybe longer. Vitamin D and all that good stuff really does change your body and your mind. Maybe when I get rich and famous I'll move down there, or buy a condo or in Mexico, Italy, NY, etc :) Yea, right. It was interesting too, because by 10am, the sun was already directly above you. So my right side is a lot more tan than my left. It looks a bit funny. But I think I got chiggers from the beach. I have all these small itchy dots all over my legs :( It's an ok price to pay for that vacation. At least I didn't get fleas like bro :-P

Oh, and I think they lost money on us. It was one of those pre-paid thingies, so we could eat all the food and alcohol we wanted. We basically just laid around on the beach/pool and drank all day and night. It was fun. And I found a liquor I really like, it's called 43 (Quarenta y tres). So tasty. It's all golden and vanilla-y and nice and warm. So tasty. And they had really good tequilla. At the special mexican fest dinner, they were giving shots in these little hand made jugs, so cute. Hand painted with flowers. Bro and I took 3 shots each...that dinner was nice (I think) ;)

I must say it is very nice to have them gone. Although it looks like a tornado ripped my place up. Probably take me a month to get everything cleaned up. Again, it was a good price to pay to see the familiy. I love them, even if they sometimes drive me crazy.

OH! I almost forgot. Bro and I went scuba diving! It was a lot of fun. we went down about 30 feet I think. We saw a huge ass lobster, I'm talking monster lobster! And moray eels (the green and spotted ones)! Flounders, trumpet fish (those look odd), and a bunch of others. This was also this weird spidery crawly thing with long legs...I guess like a weird grandaddy long legs? I let it crawl all over me, it was cool. I want to go again, but daaaaamn does it hurt. afterwards. Luckily we didn't have to walk around with the tanks and stuff, we just dropped backwards off the boat (I really liked that part) :) Hehehe, and coming back, when we were getting off the boat to go to shore, I slipped on the ladder and flew off backwards. So at least I got a lot of the backwards falling practice :)

I don't think I have anything odd and philosphical to talk about...although do I ever? lol, I'm always in a fog. Oh, I was driving through town and these guys pulled up and of course I made the mistake of glancing over. So then they roll their windows down and whistle and make smoochy noises at me. They only followed me through 2 intersections luckily. Weirdos. I don't get why they do that, and why me? I just got out of my new fibro program, my hair was all wet and wild from the pool and I was exhausted and worn out. Doesn't seem like a pretty picture to me. Maybe they just wanted my car :) And I feel good about my fibro program. There's 8 of us. The youngest of them is about 40 something, oldest about 56 I think? And then there's me, this little 22 yr old who doesn't know about husbands and kids and hysterectomies (that's spelled WAY wrong). And I know a lot more than them about fm, b/c most of them are recently diagnosed, like a month ago. And then there's me, from 7 years ago. It's fun though, I think it'll be a good, fun group. Has good vibes. And I realize how lucky I am that my 'rents can support me. 3 of the women HAVE to work, and it's killing them. They sat there and cried about it. I'm so lucky.

Anyhoo, peace out to everyone. Take care. Have fun. Find some sun, it's magic :)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

The sunny, warm land of Mexico

Tomorrow morning at the ass crack of dawn, aka 5:15, we're leaving the apt for Mexico. Beach...water...sun...makes me happy. I can lay around like a bum, drink a shit load of "free" alcohol (one of those packages where everything is pre-paid), and read a bunch of fantasy books. I love fantasy. Bro and I are talking about writing a series together. What we've talked about so far sounds cool. We just sit around and have these random brainstorming attacks, and chat back and forth, finish each other's sentences, have the same ideas, and expand on everything. Lotsa fun. So maybe someday we'll be famous rich writers. I wonder if we'll use fake names. My name just doesn't strike me as an awesome fantasy name. Who knows, it may never happen. Yo no se.

Can't wait. After mexico, the family leaves the next day. I will finally be alone again. It will be nice to have everything to myself again. Especially my time. And the lack of extra stressors in my life. Can't wait. We're all sick of each other. Except bro and I. We're always cool. Love my bro.

~Cheers from the beach (soon)

Saturday, January 01, 2005

This one's for my Sexy Bitch

From my Sexy Bitch (didn't know if you wanted your name mentioned or not)
There aren't that many of you who read this, but I figure I'll put it up and see who posts. I got it from Nessa's MySpace page and I was curious.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Would you DO ME?
7. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
8. Describe me in one word.
9. What was your first impression?
10. Do you still think that way about me now?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

So there it is for you dear friend. I don't think anyone else visits my page, except for my bro, and I don't believe I want him filling out this questionaire :) lol, let's not go there.


Happy New Year One and All


Hope everyone has a happy, merry, fun, safe rest of the holidays. Take care. Do funky things. Enjoy your life. Find something to believe in (and if you do find it, please share it with me, maybe I can try it to...But no gods, dieties, or higher powers of any kind. You can keep those to yourselves.

Do I have any resolutions? None, besides trying to get my life back. That will be a continuous battle for the rest of my life. But at least I can start. I'm going to a 6 week coping/PT/info program starting Jan 10. Go me. My mom hugged me a while ago and said "this year will be better." I can only try.

On that note, I would like to express my sorrow for one of my friends. Here I am bitching about how much my life sucks, and she had hers ripped from her last year (Her news clip) I only knew her for less than a year, but she touched my heart and soul, and I'll always miss her. Wynee Wong, where ever you are, you were an awesome, funny, kind, honest friend. I am grateful for the short time we had with each other. Rest in peace, my dearest Wynee.

To my family and friends, I love you all.

(Rest in peace, all the poor people who lost their lives as a result of the tidal waves).

Everyone else stay safe. Find joy with the time you have left. Happy New Years

~Cheers to the world

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