Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mind + Body

I've figured out that my Mind is a Sin graph and my Body is a CoSin graph. When mind is high (aka Oh look, the sun is shining, I might actually enjoy that), my body is in the negatives, when my body is high (aka not in pain-killer-eating phase), my mind is in the pits. The only time they meet is in the middle of the curve. But siince neither my mind nor my body are ever what I would consider "well" it sorta ends up being depressed with a broken body. I wonder if my two graphs willever mesh or if they'll always be at odds. or maybe move northerly to a positive grid rather than straddling neutral. I saw my psychiatrist today, probably what brought this up. I am goign to try Lunesta tonight, since I haven't slept in about a month. Maybe I can dream about pretty glowy butterflies instead of having sweaty night terrors and nightmares. My kitty slept with me last night, snuggled up against my back. I just hope I didn't roll over on her. She doesn't seem flat or squished today, so she's probably ok :) Anyhoo, I'm gonna go torture her and kiss the fur off her cute 'lil head :)


Thursday, March 02, 2006


So, after the cold spell it turned hot again. around 80s + Texas sun = HOT. and our AC is broken ;( We've got black mold, so we can't turn it on. black mold is bad stuff >_< but the dudes come today to fix it :D Of course it costs a fortune ;( But you can't live in Tejas without AC o_O I suppose you could, but I can't.

So, now that it's hot again, the shorts have got to come out. I just shaved my legs for the first time since ...november? o_O Dude, talk about work...we're talking UBER Man hair, Clydesdale pony shaggy leg hair. I was rivaling my bro there for a while with hairy legs. It's funny though, shaving my legs is one of the hardest things I can do (with the fibro I mean). Think it's the positioning and stretching and stuff. Uber drainging and hurtful. So why shave eh? Guess I get self conscious seeing the disgust when strangers glance at my legs ;( woe is the isabo. *strokes legs* they're nice and soft and smooth now though :D

Heh, I'm sure you all wanted to know this :P mwuahahahah *evilness*


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