Saturday, October 27, 2007

damn blogger

Why is it that when I'm not signe din, the Blogger nav bar is in japanese, but if I sign in it's in english? Pisses me off. I've chosen english both signed in and signed out. yet it still pops up japanese when signed out. Oh well, at least I can read it right?

hello again

Yea, so, not so much with the updates. The whole part time job search? yea, not so much. Apparently no one wants a part timer college grad with health issues when they can hire high school students or full timers ;(

The rents and I have decided anyway that my job yet again is to work on getting my body stronger. Which sucks, I want to work out because it makes me feel better about myself, and I know I'll eventually get stronger, yet I don't want to do it because I know how much it will hurt, and for how long it will hurt.

and it doesn't help that my magical handed masseuse moved up north and got married. I'm still hashing plans to kidnap her and handcuff her in my house with a massage table nearby. No massage = unhappy rae. new masseuse = hurting rae. but bro helps out, still not the same though.

I'm so bad about keeping in touch with people. I don't remember the last time I emailed a friend, and for that I'm sorry. You'd think I could IM, email, call, since I don't do jack shit, yet there's always something else to do. reading, movies, cross stitching, gaming. stupid reasons not to do anything, yet I never feel the urge to do so. Probably part of my hermit lifestyle. So, sorry friends. I do think about you, quite often. You just get silent regard from a quiet source.

I think bro is pissed at me. I got shit faced last night and I feel ok today, and he's still hungover. Think it was the damn blue jellow shots. Those were deadly ;)


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