Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Texas Summer

I love summer in Texas.

First there's the heat. melts asphalt. you can fry an egg on the sidewalk (yes, I did that when I was a kid). you even think about stepping outside and you sweat. you freeze your ass off when you go into stores and it feels about 50oF. If your AC goes out, or you can't afford AC, you very well could die from heat stroke - happens every summer ;(

Then there's the sun. It's over 100o, plus about 10-30o extra in the sun. You can get sunburnt walking to your mailbox. You get drivers-tan - left arm burnt while rest is white, or riders-tan - right arm burnt. You can literally blister your skin if you touch things, like the metal of your car after it sits in the sun, or the metal part of your seatbelt.

Then there's the drought. First, because of the heat and sun, the water sources evaporate and algae/bacteria runs rampant. The water tastes and smells like pond scum. Anything you make to drink or eat, using tap water, tastes like algae/dirt. When you shower you smell like dirt. When you flush the toilet you smell dirt. When you brush your teeth you have nice minty-dirt breath. Because of drought, there's water rationing. You can only water your house one time a week. (they wouldn't let us water at all except the foundation will crack and your house will fall down). Of course everyone in your area is limited to that same day. This causes wonderful excitement with water pressure. While showering you switch from barely dripping to full blast-slam-you-against-the-wall presure. Then once you turn off the shower, you might get random spurts of water for minutes afterwards.

Ahh, such a wonderful time of year.

Ok, end of sarcasm :D

Kittens are growing up great :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Edgefest & Kittens

So yea, it's been a while since I posted >_< A lot of stuff has actually happened. Most recently I found a gym with an erg (rowing machine) although I have yet to try it >_<.

On june 14th, I hustled my bro and mom into the car and drove down to a pet smart to look at 2 kittens. One was a shy, quiet white girl cat that didn't particularly want to be held (due to said shyness). She unfortunately had a sad, haunted look to her eyes ;( The other was a wild, rambunctious, demonic black boy cat that knocked his sister over in his haste to leap into our arms and crawl all over us. I made the decision that if we got one (the black boy, because he came at a reduced price, due to being a black cat and people being superstitious or psychotic. apparently it's realy hard for them to find good homes for black kitties), we'd have to get both. For one, I knew demonic boy would drive us insane with his energy, so 2 kittens would make more sense. But mostly because I couldn't stand the haunted look in white kitty's eyes ;( So, meet Loki and Freya. They are a handful, but a bundle of energy and joy...even though they make me bleed every day >_< And Freya almost blinded me one night, the claw scratches were literally about 2 mm away from my eyeball. Note to self, don't turn around whe cat is sitting on back of chair by your shoulder and swatting at you >_< lol.

Ok, next news, on the 18th B and I went to Edgefest 15, an all day concert. It was freaking hot in the texas sun, but well worth it. We went from about 10am until 11pm. drank beer and ate bad food, it was great :D We saw the following bands: Hawthorne Heights, Atreyu, Hoobastank, Three Days Grace, Buckcherry, Drowning Pool, 10 Years, Flyleaf, 30 Seconds to Mars, Trapt, Toadies, Shinedown, Seether, Staind. It was freaking awesome. The only band I was disappointed in was Buckcherry, they really sucked actually. Flyleaf was amazing, as was Atreyu, Three Days Grace, Shinedown and Staind. Seether (AGAIN!?) had technical problems with their mic's. happened last time I saw them, had really bad reverb. But otherwise ok. Hoobastank actually performed better live than I would have thought. Trapt, 10 years and 30 sec to mars were all really good. It's taken me 2 weeks to reccuperate from that event, but it was well worth the pain.

And that's about all the updating I have to do. I'll try to be better, and I'll update kitten shots :D


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