Howdy Folks. Guess I should say Hola. It's funny, got back yesterday, but I was still in the spanish mind set so I kept saying "hola" and "gracias" to all the airport people. Oh, and bro taught me more swedish...his favorite phrase "ya men hej, de ya!" Which is like "dude! It's you!"
Sunlight is a magical thing. I actually have a tan! I can't believe it, I haven't gotten tan in about 3 years, maybe longer. Vitamin D and all that good stuff really does change your body and your mind. Maybe when I get rich and famous I'll move down there, or buy a condo or in Mexico, Italy, NY, etc :) Yea, right. It was interesting too, because by 10am, the sun was already directly above you. So my right side is a lot more tan than my left. It looks a bit funny. But I think I got chiggers from the beach. I have all these small itchy dots all over my legs :( It's an ok price to pay for that vacation. At least I didn't get fleas like bro :-P
Oh, and I think they lost money on us. It was one of those pre-paid thingies, so we could eat all the food and alcohol we wanted. We basically just laid around on the beach/pool and drank all day and night. It was fun. And I found a liquor I really like, it's called 43 (Quarenta y tres). So tasty. It's all golden and vanilla-y and nice and warm. So tasty. And they had really good tequilla. At the special mexican fest dinner, they were giving shots in these little hand made jugs, so cute. Hand painted with flowers. Bro and I took 3 shots each...that dinner was nice (I think) ;)
I must say it is very nice to have them gone. Although it looks like a tornado ripped my place up. Probably take me a month to get everything cleaned up. Again, it was a good price to pay to see the familiy. I love them, even if they sometimes drive me crazy.
OH! I almost forgot. Bro and I went scuba diving! It was a lot of fun. we went down about 30 feet I think. We saw a huge ass lobster, I'm talking monster lobster! And moray eels (the green and spotted ones)! Flounders, trumpet fish (those look odd), and a bunch of others. This was also this weird spidery crawly thing with long legs...I guess like a weird grandaddy long legs? I let it crawl all over me, it was cool. I want to go again, but daaaaamn does it hurt. afterwards. Luckily we didn't have to walk around with the tanks and stuff, we just dropped backwards off the boat (I really liked that part) :) Hehehe, and coming back, when we were getting off the boat to go to shore, I slipped on the ladder and flew off backwards. So at least I got a lot of the backwards falling practice :)
I don't think I have anything odd and philosphical to talk about...although do I ever? lol, I'm always in a fog. Oh, I was driving through town and these guys pulled up and of course I made the mistake of glancing over. So then they roll their windows down and whistle and make smoochy noises at me. They only followed me through 2 intersections luckily. Weirdos. I don't get why they do that, and why me? I just got out of my new fibro program, my hair was all wet and wild from the pool and I was exhausted and worn out. Doesn't seem like a pretty picture to me. Maybe they just wanted my car :) And I feel good about my fibro program. There's 8 of us. The youngest of them is about 40 something, oldest about 56 I think? And then there's me, this little 22 yr old who doesn't know about husbands and kids and hysterectomies (that's spelled WAY wrong). And I know a lot more than them about fm, b/c most of them are recently diagnosed, like a month ago. And then there's me, from 7 years ago. It's fun though, I think it'll be a good, fun group. Has good vibes. And I realize how lucky I am that my 'rents can support me. 3 of the women HAVE to work, and it's killing them. They sat there and cried about it. I'm so lucky.
Anyhoo, peace out to everyone. Take care. Have fun. Find some sun, it's magic :)