Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Scarborough Faire

Pretty damn awesome. I think I enjoyed it more when I was younger, but it was really raunchy, I guess I just never got the jokes when I was younger. Some of those shows I was thinking "daaaaamn, this should have a pg13 - R rating!" it was still really fun though. We ate a lot of crap all day - sausage on a stick, fish & chips, cinammon roll, smoothies, fried ice cream, italian ice cream (My lips are still bright pink from this one...I hope I didn't drool last night, my bed'll have pink spots all over it!)...ooh, this next one deserves it's own paragraph:

roasted nuts. we were eating our italian ice cream when some lady gave us a few nuts (sneaky...they feed you and then you buy their items...they were soooo good) and we went over to the nut stall to buy some. us: "our lips our freezing! we can't eat warm nuts!" man: "warm nuts are better than cold balls!" :)

oh, and I bought a drinking horn! you know, like in viking movies where they drink mead out of horns? (aside note: honey mead tastes like cider gone bad, with no honey taste at all, damnit. I wasted money on that one. at least I can say I tried it though). anyhoo, I got a cool horn, and it strangely enough, when tied off across my body, fits the shape of my loverly hips! how cool is that? and now I know how to drink out of one, and then hand it to someone and make them pour the drink all over their face :) the skills of life. the vendor on that one yelled at us "hey lovely ladies! come to this store and you'll leave much hornier!" lol, we couldn't resist, so we wandered over. my friend bought her brothers some blowing horns, which she sounded continuously on our long walk to the car, and I got my drinking horn. and the guy kept making horny cracks, and we of course obliged him with our own horny answers. Oh, and this was funny, I called my mom up afterwards and said "hey, we're relly horny now!" and with no pause she said "oh, did you see some cute boys?" *smacks forehead* doh!

anyway, lots of fun. I came home around 6pm yesterday, was asleep by 6:30 and woke up at 7am today. so at least I'm back on a schedule! I'm feeling it, but really glad I went. besides, I get a massage tomorrow :)

~Lady Isabo (or even "Fair Lady Isabo" or "Fair Lady" or "M'lady" ...I think that was it...)

ps. cells phones in medieval times are apparently called "fairy boxes" :)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

23 :)

I'm 23. I don't feel older. I still feel as immature as always :) actually I don't think I'll be 23 for another few hours. oh well, I'll celebrate early.

So as a random aside, here are a few famous people who share my bday:
Melissa Etheridge (1961)
Rupert Everett (1959)
Annette Bening (1958)
Danny Elfman (1953)
John F. Kennedy (1917)
Grand Duchess Tatiana (1897) - of the infamous Romanova family

and famous peeps who died on my bday: (is that morbid? I think not, just interesting)
John Barrymore (1942) from pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver (aka alcohol)

married on my bday:
Scott Wolf (2004)
Cindy Crawford (1998) (my mom asked "which time??") lol
Robert Downey Jr. (1992)
James Cromwell (1986)
Kirk Douglas (1954)
Oscar Wilde (1884)

if you want to read about more peeps: go here


Friday, May 27, 2005

dad & spiders

Daddy arrived. We got him some Arby's and they went to the hotel and I walked home. the darn gate wouldn't take my code, so I tried the other one and it was unlocked? random. Then this orange cat started following me.

Then I come home and find, hiding behind my shelves holding my dvd collection, this huge freaking spider. Like bigger than me! ack! It's weird, I don't have Arachnophobia, I just hate the little shits. They always follow and bite me. I get about 1-3 bites PER DAY!! It doesn't matter if someone sprays my entire apartment. without fail, I am bitten. damn their eyes! most of the smudges marking my walls (count about 30+) are small spiders, the largest about the size of a pea, including legs. The one I just found was a bit bigger than a pea (it's frickin FAT ASS BODY!!!), add the legs you get something about the size of a nickel. I tried to squash it but I must have jiggled it's webbing because it high-tailed it outta there. so I sprayed about half a can of "supposed" spider-killing stuff behind said shelving. I doubt I hit it. I'll wait for it to appear again and hope to kill the mofo.

Why the hell do they have to bother me??? I would leave them in peace if they did. I don't like killing things just because I might not like them, that's not nice or fair. But damnit, if they start flocking towards me...and walk across the room towards me...and crawl along the ceiling and drop down on me...and sneak out from behind a bookshelf and start webbing towards me, then I'm gonna kill the little bastards before they add more bites and scars to me. And yes, in other cultures, spiders are a symbol of good luck. I'd rather have luck that didn't itch, hurt, scar or sicken me. damnit.

anyway, on a happier note, I'm glad dad's here. hehehe...that means a cook out! mmm...he makes THE BEST steaks and burgers (sorry Missy).

Isabo...on the hunt for the big ass mean spider...(if s/he had just come out nicely I'd have caught him in a cup and thrown him outside...but nooooo, had to take the hard way)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wellesley bloggers

Just got my spring edition of the Wellesley Magazine...the wonderful perks of being an alum :) Anyhoo, there's an article titled "The Incredibly True Adventures of a Wellesley Blogger." Makes me want to start a frantic search on the net looking for other Wellesley peeps...but on the other hand makes me paranoid...maybe they'll track me down!? ahhh! run away! It's no ordinary rabbit!!

In other news, Erin put her greasy massage cream in my hair again and threatened to bring wax next time, so she can style my hair. And we're finally going to Scarborough faire on monday...yes, we realize it's memorial day and it will be horribly crowded and we're stupid going on such a day, but we're going anyway. and she was disappointed with star wars 3 as well.

Oh, and mom finally got her arm in a cast after she broke it in freaking February...or march...too long ago anyway. can we say stubborn and stupid? I've said it but I made sure to stay out of range of her cast.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

LOTR extended trilogy! (and star wars)

Ok, I finally finished yesterday, watching the entre Lord of the Rings extended cut trilogy + all commentaries + all appendices. All in all I think it took me over a month, but of course I couldn't just sit down and watch. that'd be about 10 hours for the 3 movies, + 4x10 = 40 hours for the commentaries for the 3 movies, + about 60? (don't know) minutes of appendices. So much fun :) I feel like I've accomplished something great :)

other than that been hanging with the mother figure and going to see movies since she doesn't get them until months later. speaking of...

we both didn't really enjoy Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. We thought it was slow and boring...sure the fights were pretty cool, but other than that, pretty damn dull. Granted we both enjoy the original trilogy better. Hope others aren't as disappointed as we were. I know bro really enjoyed it. I think if they had cut out about 1 hour of the film, it woulda been great.

anyhoo, cheers to all. sorry for not posting much, not really much to say.

Oh! I DIDN'T get called "SIR" but I was called a nice "doorMAN" when I held the door open for some old people...again, it was an old man who mistook my sex. so is that 3 strikes I'm out or 3 balls and I have one more left? ...hehehe, that sounds funny considering the conversation :)

~an amused Isabo

Friday, May 20, 2005

The joys of short hair

So, wednesday night mom wanted a big chunk of steak (sorry missy!) and when our not-waiter came to deliver he handed my mom hers and said "m'am" then handed me mine "sir...oh! um, m'am" what is it with these people? It's interesting. Any woman who sees me knows I'm a woman. But any man who sees me is confused. what's up with this? At least that's only 2 times I've been called "sir" (to my face anyway).

This brings me to another thing. my 2 most recent search hits were
1. "short hair fetish" - this showed up on google, page 42!!! of google returns. except mine isn't listed on that page. but, Kill the Goat shows up multiple times :)
2. "short hair" (google page 14, #4).


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What Philosophy...

borrowed this quiz from bro

You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of
Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest,
good; and you try to enjoy life’s pleasures as much as you can.

“Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...



Justice (Fairness)










Strong Egoism




Divine Command


What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with QuizFarm.com

Yay! A tie of Apapthy, Justice and Hedonism. How ironic is that? I take a quiz about philosphy, yet I'm apathetic about it? lol. I actually quite enjoy studying philosphy. I think it's sorta funny that many US peeps have bumper stickers with an american flag and "United We Stand" on it...I wonder if they realize that comes from Aesop: "United we stand, divided we fall." Funny which lines they decide to ignore. Not to mention the fact that patriotism can be really really scary, but I don't wanna get into that. no politics on my blog, unless I say :)

So I guess I go for joy and happiness in life. I wonder if that stems from being in constant pain? Because life usually sucks ass anyway, I do focus on finding the simple pleasures. Would be interesting to see how I ranked if I took this before all my problems started. I figure I'd still be high on apathy and justice. anyhoo...


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Recent searches

Ok, here are the most recent searches for my site (everyone seems to use google for me):

Wynee Wong, I'm #10 down the list. RIP dearest Wynee, I Love you.
The Real Amityville Horror, I'm #3 (guess my film review counts for something!)
Who is BridalBeer, #9
Locks of Love may 2005, #6
myspace nessa (from askjeeves.com), #6 (that was a questionarre I borrowed)
locks-of-love haircut 2005 blog, #1! wow, I'm #1 :)
Locks of Love may 2005, #6 (not the same person as above)
a google translation of my site into German! wow, am I going international?
schipperke weblog, #6
uterus vibrates before my period, #6 (I think this person might need medical help)
muslces involved with soccer throw in, #1 again!! woohoo

I find these interesting, hope everyone else does too :)



So, mom comes in tomorrow. That'll be fun and interesting ;) It'll be nice to have someone sit in a movie theatre with me, so I don't feel like a total loser. She's bringing Swedish Cocoa balls, they are soooo good. mmmm. coco boller...mmm. Too bad dad can't come too :( I guess I'll have to do with one of 'em. hehe, it'll be nice to have a mommy take care of me when I'm sick and pitiful, lol. Oh, one good thing of being sick, I have finally made it to the 3rd lord of the rings extended edition. I just finished the final commentary of the 1st part, and moving on to the second. I have watched the plain movie, all the commentaries, and all of the extras for 1 & 2, and 1st part of 3. Maybe I can finish part 3 today...it should only take about ...hm, 8-12 hours? I'll let you know :)


Monday, May 16, 2005


Urinary Tract Infections...they are not nice. Yea, last night was wonderful. I'm sitting, reading a book, and turn over a bit...and have a blow torch in my crotch. not nice. and then I had to suffer all night and wait until 2 freaking pm to see the doc. So FINALLY I get some meds and this cool pain killer stuff that apparently numbs your bladder and urethra and turns your pee highlighter-orange. My bladder is becoming happier as we speak.

Word to the wise (for anyone, but more for guys): Do not EVER make fun of UTIs. Ever. Unless you want to die a horrible death at the hands of the enraged, suffering person. This is worse than making fun of PMS, and mayhap more dangerous. I once had someone laugh at me having a UTI when I told them...I was fricking pissing blood that felt like lava, and couldn't stand up straight. and I was laughed at. I was not happy.

Hope everyone else is having a better day than me

20 Questions to a better relationship

stole this quiz from bro.

eXpressive: 6/10
Practical: 4/10
Physical: 4/10
Giver: 6/10

You are a XSIG--Expressive Sentimental Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Teddy Bear.

Hee! I just want to give you a big squeeze. You are tender, honest, generous and fair. You are an excellent kisser and a sensitive, communicative lover, and you know it. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings or overstep his/her boundaries. You have beautiful eyes.

Most people take your laid-back attitude, blazing wit and subtle sexiness and stick you in "friend." But some see your extreme hotness for what it is and latch on. This means you have a few members of your target sex in the bank at all times -- I call this "money in the sex bank" -- but you're too sensitive and thoughtful to exploit them. More than once.

You are so rational and deliberate in an argument that it can frustrate and exhaust your partner. Your fights can take forever, but your press on with them until they are completely resolved and both you and your partner are satisfied. If your partner is weak of will, s/he may just give in -- be wary of this! An emotional or passive-aggressive outburst later will hurt and horrify you.

It is *critically important* that you are able to respect your partner. The moment you lose respect for him/her, you lose everything.

When you make friends, you make them for life -- you can go without speaking to a friend for years and pick up right where you left off. You are completely faithful, both physically and emotionally. You are the second best (to XPIG) parent of any type.

If you are male, you have a huge shlong. Just saying.

Of the 226279 people who have taken this quiz, 7.9 % are this type.


Diagnosis not quite right? Now that you've taken the quiz, you can view the Relationship key. If you have any attributes that are on the cusp, check out the Relationship that complements that attribute (in other words, if you're an XPIT but only 6/10 Practical, take a look at XSIT.)

But beware -- the Taker/Giver attribute is very strong in defining a Relationship type! A RPYT is very different from an RPYG!

Write down what Relationship composite this quiz has given you, because viewing the key will erase your score.

XY Sexy
XG Good parent
XP Good at resolving conflict
XSI Honest to a fault
IT In control/can be controlling
RG Good-natured/even keel
RT Trouble communicating
SG People-pleaser

take this quiz

So, does this make me a warm, fuzzy, cuddly stuffed animal? ...lol

Friday, May 13, 2005

5 lbs & phantom hair

Yea, so...I apparently had 5 lbs worth of hair before my haircut. It's no wonder my damn neck hurt. That's the only thing I can think of, because I suddenly lost 5 lbs and it hasn't come back? So if you are either feeling low about your weight or have neck/shoulder pain, cut your damn hair! lol.

I also seem to have a phantom pony tail left. Not to make light of any amputees, but I seriously feel like I've still got a pony tail. everynight I go to bed I reach back to pull off my hair tie, and am always shocked when nothing is there? and I keep flipping my head around and giving myself whiplash, thinking that I actually have hair to flip. I bet I look pretty goofy sometimes. Maybe I'm just used to having a ponytail and having a weight back there. or I'm just insane, which is very probable, it does run in the family *cough* mom *cough* :)

Cheers from a lighter Isabo

Thursday, May 12, 2005

fun with hair

So yesterday I go to massage, she completely flips and can't resist messing with it. so while face up she finishes my arms and neck and stuff, and the re-greases her hands (no, she couldn't just use the massage cream residue...) and starts messing with my hair, trying to twist it so it sticks all over the place. I flip over onto my stomach. she does my back and comes back to my hair, playing with it for another few minutes. I get up, change and meet her outside. She is crestfallen...my hair just looks greasy and a little mussed up. I explain that my hair is impossible. I can load 3 entire bottles of hair spray into it, and within 30 minutes, all curl will have fallen out of it (well, with long hair anyway). It's insane.

But then I go to drive home and look down and oops, my empty tank light is flashing. so I cross my fingers and speed over to the nearest gas station (and just make it!), the wind jerking my greasy hair this way and that. I get out and pump gas. All these people walk by and look at me. A woman leans around a gas pump to peer at me. I'm thinking "what the heck??" so I look at my reflection in my car window, and my hair looks really sexily-mussed (if I do say so myself)! I'm finding a new appreciation for massage cream + wind + speed = sexy spikey wild hair. So of course I strike a pose with one foot up on the curb and one hand on the pump handle and tilt my head back and let the wind have it's way. lol. I'm feeling a bit better about my hair cut. I don't know if the women checking me out were jealous or attracted...I'm happy with either :) *rapidly pumps air into her head* my ego is happily inflated today ;)


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Search words

I find these interesting. Here are the newest searches that pull up my blog:

her cold feet
schipperke movie
le sigh
schipperke weblog (from a Japanese google search)
Wynee Wong (You're always in my thoughts and memories. I'm so glad we had our time together, however short it was. I miss you.)

It amuses me both what people are searching for and that my blog shows up on those searches.

For whoever searched for Wynee, did you go to AKP? Do I know you? Did you know Wynee? I hope you did know her. She was amazing. She will always be amazing in my memories.


Thank you, SIR

Yea, I was out looking at dvds, as it's tuesday and new ones came out. I check out. You have to show your receipt at the door so they can check to see if you're stealing. Guy in front of me got a "thank you sir" and then I walked up, and the guy said "thank you, SIR, have a nice day. so I started laughing and he looked up at me like I was crazy, then as I walked away I think he saw my chest because I heard him mutter something in a sorta "I'm sorry" voice.

Cheers :)
Isabo ... officially male with man boobs? or female with man hair?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Boy Hair :-/

ok, it's official, I have boy hair. I look like the little boofy-haired kid from Love Actually. The other hair cut was just bad. this one is ok...but it's boy hair. But at least I don't have huge glomps of hair sticking out in random places. now my whole head just sorta sticks out in every direction. Not to mention I apparently have a huge fucking cowlick in right in front, just a little to the right of the middle, that totally curls up about half my front and lets the other half flop around...

anyhoo...I think I'm going to wear a hat for quite a while. Maybe I'll start wearing doo-rags :) and ick, that lady put this nasty gel in it, I'm gonna go shower. maybe I'll spike it :)


Saturday, May 07, 2005

SHORT HAIR!!! (and a ticket)

Ok, first unfortunate series of events today. Got a ticket. So I was going 84 in a 70...that's not SOOOO bad *ahem* state trooper guy had really pretty eyes though. First ticket of my life, guess I lasted this long. I guess I was hauling ass. anyhoo...

Ok, I went and got a free haircut, for Locks of Love. They pulled my hair back and whacked off my pony tail. I was thinking I'd need to buzz it, but they just whacked the tail. which left the bottom/back of my head basically shorn, and the top all flappy. So, for once, I can drive with the windows down and not get hair in my eyes! woot! I can eat and not get hair in my mouth. and I can satisfy my scruffy-head ...I guess it's a fetish? I HAVE to rub a buzzed head. I have to. So now the back of my head is sorta buzzed, so I get to rub that...and I have been ;)

Ok, ok. Go here for pics of old (long) and new (short). long ones were from last year though, don't have recent photos. guess you'll finally get to see what I look like too. (mom, keep your paranoid thoughts to yourself!) :-P


no faire, still have hair...that rhymes

Ok, we were wrong, weekdays seem to be "school kid" days, the little brats. so we weren't allowed in even though we begged and talked to 3 people. Oh yea, and she's 28, not 26 (I had thought 26-28 so I did well!), and she thought I was 25!!! lol, guess I act mature? mwuahahaha. So instead we drove through a few of the small towns, that had like 20 people populating them. one was called "West" and was originally a Czech settlement. They had some yummy pastries. that was basically our day. I came back and crashed on pain killers and stayed up all night, then slept all day and woke up tonight at 9pm. so that means I missed my hair cutting which was going to occur on friday. So I'll see if they're open today, if not it'll have to wait for monday. I can't wait. I still haven't decided how much to leave...buzz? 1 inch? 2? I think I'll either buzz or stay at 1 inch. I want to give as much hair as possible, and figure my ego can suffer for the cause.

Now I'm off to see what kind of trouble I can get into :)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

cows & Faire

This is for Missy: I have decided that longhorns look really freaking odd, especially when mixed in with the more normal looking cows, and 2 random oxen...actually the oxen looked weirder...but I don't consider oxen cows, even though they're in the same genus. anyway, I saw that and thought I'd share with you :)

ok, next! I'm going to Scarborough Faire today (renaissance fair) with my massage therapist (don't worry, she's only 26ish and acts like she's 2...like me! not some old married lady...that'd just be...weird, lol). she couldn't stop talking about it yesterday while she was pounding away on me. I was really happy though, since it was 50 freaking degrees (in may in texas?!?!) she had her heated stones again. love those stones. she plays DAOC so was uber excited when I mentioned this to her. I somehow am thinking she drove her other friends crazy, since they don't like computer games or that sword fighting stuff. so she always uses my massage time to share the gaming drama, lol. good times. she actually works as my mental therapists too, since she constantly has me laughing!

anyway, back to the faire! I'm gonna try honey mead for the first time in my life! woo! I hope it's tasty, it always looks tasty in the viking movies where they drink them out of those horn-shaped goblets. plust the fresh fruit and frozen fruit and chicken and turky legs...mmmm. oh right, of course there's also crafts shops and shows and tournaments :)


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Things that annoy me today...

1. broken body (really paying for aqua therapy. about to go nap on muscle relaxers)

2. collector's/special edition dvds. ex1: 5th element came out on dvd about 6-7? years ago. within the last year, they released and uber version with all this extra stuff. ex2: space balls collector's edition just came out too. why this annoys me: I want to see all the extras, but not pay for a whole nother dvd.

3. lawn mower guys making huge racket

4. having a strange, dirty, scruffy, red-neck man make eye contact with me and then scratch his balls while walking towards me after I finished pumping gas. he scratched his balls from his car to my car and past...I didn't look after that.

5. pain meds making my ears even more sensitive to noise (see #3 above), the tv, dvd player, neighbor noises, high pitched squeeling that always accompanies me.

what's annoying you today?

and on that note, I'm napping.

weird dreams (as usual)

I had a few weird dreams again last night. wait, scratch that. I always have weird dreams...I remembered a few of them last night! lol

Dream #1 - This friend from highschool that went up to boston for college (she was at MIT, I was at Wellesley) came over and spent the night (in my old home in Texas, which we no longer own, and which was odd because I only ever had about 4-8 friends sleep over at a time)...but that was in highschool, and this was now. So, she spent the night. I slept in my bed, and she slept on the floor in the doorway? wtf? lol. anyway, she wakes me up and says "hey, let's call chelsea!" Now, firstly, Chelsea was my childhood best friend from about 5-11 yrs old, then she moved to the countryside, then I moved to Sweden, then when I returned 2 years later we had sorta lost touch. we saw each other about once a year during highschool. I haven't seen her in ...4 or 5 years. So randomly I call up Chelsea and she agrees to meet with us. and that was basically my dream. random. so yesterday I drove out to her home, but there was all this kid playground stuff in the back, so unless her bro and his wife moved in with mom and dad and had their kids, or same with her, I kinda doubt that was their house.

Poll #1 - should I go to the house and knock and a. see if it's them or b. see if they know where they are or c. don't knock at all.

Dream #2 - Bro and I were roomates in this random condo looking thing. except I'm about 6 yrs old and he's about 14...which is really odd since we're only about 3 years apart. Anyway, I come home and he's been gruesomely murdered in his bed (ack!). So I called the cops, and these 2 cop guys came over. They had a problem, if they went upstairs, their walky-talkies wouldn't work b/c of electrical interference, so one went up and one stayed down (how this helps their walkie situation I know not, they still wouldn't be able to communicate with each other.) I was telling cop A how this man came, but he wasn't himself, he just looked like someone I knew (I think this is b/c I watched Blade Trinity...and dracula changes, lol). So cop A just pats me on the head and says "whatever kid" and then we hear screams from upstairs. Cop B is dead. No one is in sight. we go back downstairs, and I try to tell cop A again, but then this other person comes into the room and cop A says "what the hell are you doing here??" then gets killed. So I run. and that's basically the end of the dream, me running, scared out of my little 6 yr old wits.

Dream #3 - George Bush (jr) *shudders* was standing in this hallway giving his state of the union address (I think because I just say xXx (not a porn you sickos! triple X! lol)) to this group of reporters, and my family?? again, wtf? So he starts talking about education, and how we need new text books, and I interrupt his speech and start bitching at him about education and how he's all wrong. And then suddenly I'm bitching at one of my old school teachers, which is odd because I actually liked her as a teacher. I think that's about when I woke up today, considering I woke up with a "wtf" feeling, lol.

Ok, that's it for random dreams from last night

Monday, May 02, 2005

More on spitting

So, I saw an interesting sign today. I went back to the hot pool for aqua therapy. now, they've had this sign by the pool the whole time I've been going (6 months or so). It's one of those pool safety signs that everyone has to have. like no jumping, diving, smoking, call 911, etc. So today (granted I haven't been in a month). I see, added to the sign in blue marker "no spitting in pool." Now it's bad enough spitting on the sidewalks, where it gets on your shoes, and if you're really unlucky, on your clothing or skin (depending on wind currents and direction of spit...sorta like pissing into the wind I guess. although I'm ill-equiped to do that, I believe I could still manage! mwauaha). But dude, spitting into a small pool of cycling water...it's bad enough we all have to sit in an enclosed area with body fluids and skin cells and I don't wanna know what else floating around *shudders*

oh yea, and I went back into the changing room, and the old man who used it before me either showered, stepped in some rust on the floor and stepped back into the shower, or pissed in the shower...after showering...and leaving his piss there. which one are you gonna choose? "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."

I'm wondering what else is gonna happen today. Makes me sorta scared to leave my apt, lol.

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