Friday, April 29, 2005

The Amityville Horror

Ok, I watched The Amityville Horro last night. 10pm-ish, alone. not a good idea. Freaking scary as hell. I was laughing at these two girls though, the opening logo of the film (like dreamwatch or fox or whatever), one girl said "I'm scared already!!" then at the end, everyone in the theatre basically jumped up and ran outta there. Those girls were towards the top but they were the first outta there, lol. The movie was really well done, using all the tools that really scare you - pop ups, reflections, freaky eyes, visual effects, sounds, etc. Really spooky and scary movie. Watch it in the company of others, and not late at night :) lol

I've looked at some sites, just trying to figure out the real events. It's a movie, so of course stuff is made up and expanded. It's hard to figure out the truth though, since a bunch of people say "liar, you just want attention, it's a hoax, etc" but the others are saying it's true. sorta feels like the x-files.

I personally do believe in ghosts and spirits, so for me it is credible. I've been in some places where I can feel something that affects me and my instinctual protections (like heart pounding, hair standing up, sweating, emotions, etc). I was in a castle in germany, and I was walking into one room and felt this wash of fear and despair, and my heart started pounding. It ended up being their torture/jail area. It was really intense, I got outta there pretty fast. It also felt cold. I know everyone says "oooh, ghosts, it's cold when they're around" but it seriously did feel chilly.

anyhoo. good movie. go see it. go research the truth. get scared. question your beliefs. expand your horizons. ooogie booogie? :)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Poll: sleep & socks & feet

Ok, I was thinking about this last night trying to get to sleep. I was uber hot, so I stuck my feet out of the covers like I always do when I'm hot. My dad does this too. It drives mom crazy when dad does it, although I don't really understand why...something about the sheets. ANYWAY, so that got me to thinking of 2 questions for you all:

#1 - When you are hot, do you stick your feet out of the covers? If not, what do you do?

#2 - Do you sleep with socks or without?

I sleep without socks. I can't stand having socks on my feet when sleeping, besides the fact that they make me hot, and then sticking them out of the covers wouldn't help b/c they'd be covered! ack. The only time I slept with socks on my feet (read 2-3 pairs) was in Japan when my bedroom was between 30-40 degrees F at night. Of course added to the 2-3 pairs of socks was long underwear (top and bottom), uber warm pants. at least one tshirt. one long sleeved shirt. one sweatshirt with hood pulled up. one down vest. gloves. all the covers piled on top, with me curled into a ball. A hat. that was when I truly understood the old wive's tale (which is TRUE give certain circumstances!) that if you go to sleep with your hair wet, you'll get sick...not to mention frozen, broken hair.

Oh! I just thought of another question

#3 - do you pull the covers up under your chin, or do you have them down around your armpits, or elsewhere?

This caused a lot of problems with one of my ex's. I pull them up to my chin. He tucked them under his armpits. I finally compromised and pulled them down to his level. But I got him back and stuck my ice-cold feet against his legs :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

back to old template

ok, I decided I liked the older one better. I'll screw around with it another day. Look here if you want to see the one I changed it to for a few hours.


new template?

how do ya guys like the new template? does it work with your browser? yay? nay? fire? I sorta wanted a change, although it's not much of one. but the xena holding out her hand is in her original position, with her chakram on the correct side now :)


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

courtesy of the open fly

So, I was out in public today, used a restroom, and was coming out. This one woman almost bashed into me and just glared. This younger girl was walking towards me looking downwards, then she looked me in the eye with a really intense look. I'm thinking "what the hell is wrong with these people?!" and then I get that akward feeling and look down. my fly is open. so I zip it and walk on. But that got me to thinking, so here is a poll, please answer it!

If you see someone with their fly open, do you tell them, or ignore it and walk by?

if you ignore it, why?

ok, I'll start:
I tell people. Sure it might be embarrassing to mention it, but it'll save the person more embarrassment in the future. They'll only have me to see it rather than 100 other strangers.

anyhoo, just curious what everyone says.


tv, movies & spitting

So, I watched Lucy Lawless in the tv movie, "The Locusts" and it was uber weird. I started halfway through and am sorta glad I did. I was laughing hysterically, but I don't know if that was because I was uber drugged or if it was just that cheesy. It just felt wrong seeing her out of her xena clothes though. and it was funny, for a while she was sorta bouncing while she walked, and I was thinking it was because she didn't have the weight of her armor, lol. And her hair-do's didn't always make her look the best, but she was still one hot lady. The other characters were all a complete joke, well, hers was too, but I like her so I'm not gonna say bad things about her, mwuahahahaha :)

Saw The Interpreter and I really liked it. I don't always like Nicole Kidman, but daaaaaamn she was awesome in this. I really really liked it, like when I was walking out I was thinking "hmm, I want to see that again!" The ending was interesting for me, because on the one hand I would have been disappointed to see one thing happen, and I would have been happy to see another thing, and I would have felt content with another. I don't want to give anything away, just my confused mind wanting more than one thing :)

Now, onto SPITTING. Why do men/boys have to spit everywhere? Is it some macho marking territory thing since they can't very well pull their pants down and piss like dogs? Is the male race full of phlegm? Can they not swallow? Will someone PLEASE explain this to me? I find it disgusting and rude. Do you see ladies hock a loogie before entering a store? I don't. The only time I can understand and accept spitting is in sports. It is necessary in sports, and I find it acceptable to spit in the grass and run on. It is necessary because your mouth gets so dry (that sounds stupid, you can't spit if your mouth is dry, I know, but jocks will understand). Of course I think it's nasty in indoor sports, like basketball. Yes, I realize that's hypocritcal, but if you're outside, in a sports area, with lots of mud and grass and sweat and blood, what's a little spit?

anyway, can anyone explain the connection between the male race and spitting? I can say that I've been tempted to spit ON a guy when he spits, especially if he spits and it flies in the wind towards me, or splatters on my feet. I've also perfected the evil eye. My looks CAN kill if they have to! mwauahaha *cough* *SPIT*


Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Official *Le Sigh*

It's official, Edgefest is off for me. I'm uber broken today. I think I'm gonna vegetate on the couch and do an extended version LOTR marathon. maybe even watch Lucy Lawless on some weird ass looking tv show tonight...about locusts taking over the world? I hope she pulls a Xena on them and kicks bug ass. if nothing else it'll be fun entertainment for my drugged mind.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

*le sigh* part 2

Yea, so either eating lunch or walking, or both, was a VERY bad idea. IBS is back with a vengeance, I'm going back on bread and water diet :( *uber le sigh* So it looks like even if the weather clears tomorrow, my stomach is keeping my house bound darnit. But I'm going to see if I can give up my ticket so someone else can enjoy it in my place...maybe the radio station will give me something? a free pass? a bumper sticker? a thank you? lol.

~a bummed Isabo

*le sigh*

Well, I was just thinking, I may have been waiting for a year to go, and I may not end up going, or just seeing a small bit, but at least I'll be rested to enjoy other things, like meeting a fibro friend or going to a rennaisance fair. I would go down to censor my previous post but I'm too lazy. I was uber pissed, now I'm just a bit saddened and disappointed. but, it's sunny out for now, so I'm gonna kick myself in the butt, bundle up, and go on my daily walk.

maybe I'll do a drive-by ticket hawking, so I don't have to pay for parking and get my money back, lol.


So Fucking Pissed Off

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed the fuck off. (in case you can't tell, this is going to be a rant about weather and EdgeFest). So, I wake up uber sore today. I think it's because I was in bed for 14 hours (read: slept some, layed around a lot.) so, I go outside, yell fuck and jump through the door (I'm sure my neighbors, since we have paper walls, will love me doing this at 8am on a saturday). it's 45 degrees. It's been in the 80s for a month. now it's in the 40-60s. Even worse, it's going to be cloudy tomorrow, no warm sun. fucking 80s for a whole damn month. fucking 40-60s for a few days. EdgeFest...ONE TIME A FUCKING YEAR. Isabo = fucking enraged. can you tell I like the word fuck? the others just don't do this situation justice at the moment.

I highly doubt I can go now. It would be physically painful all day and for a week without it being cold. now I'd say to double everything. grrrrr.

as bro was saying, Murphy's Law. Shit happens.

Friday, April 22, 2005

more fibro fog and random thoughts

I forgot to post this story. On ...what day is it. um, ah! on Tuesday, I was going to see psycho doc, and he's at this big hospital with two big towers. So first I go to the wrong tower (keep in mind this is my 6-7th visit). Then I go to the right tower and go to floor 11...I look and there is no door, just a wall with a picture. I think, "wtf?? who took his office away??" so then I think "crap, where IS his office??" so I go to the 12th floor...the 10th floor, the 9th floor...the 1st floor. I look at the directory. He is on the 11th floor. I go back up there and look, then turn around and there it is! I had come up a different elevator and didn't turn the right way *blush* but I got a laugh out of it so it was ok. and I was going to the right doc if I was going insane, right?? :)

that was my first trip through downtown that someone hasn't come within feet or inches and smashing my car to smitherines. And today, driving to do some errands, 3 people try to hit me, within a 15 minute period?! Do I have a frickin bullseye on my car? My car attracts cars & skanky old men & ex-football jocks & one random chick? random.

I can't wait until sunday...EDGEFEST!!! wahoo! If anyone is in Dallas, or Texas, or out of town, and is going to edgefest, give me a shout, so I don't have to go all alone and get pitying (is that a word? pitiful? looks of pity?) looks from everyone else :)


Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I was chatting, and the topic of pets came up, so I decided I throw some of their pictures up here, if anyone cares: here.

cat is russian blue with emotional issues (that's a nice way of saying totally demented). now living with family friends

dog is a schipperke. Yes, we know, it looks like a potbellied pig with fur. we know it looks like a random blob of blackness. we know it looks like a mixture of a dog, a rat and a fox. we assure you, it is indeed a dog :) now living with this schipperke nut, she's got like 5 of 'em now, plus 3 cats...and they all sleep on the bed with her & her husband?! wtf? lol


House of Flying Daggers

DUDE! That came out today on dvd. I've watched it 2 times already, plus the extras. so freaking good. If you haven't seen House of Flying Daggers, you have to see it...well, if you like movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero. SO FREAKING GOOD. and I always thought the snow at the end was some fake computer effect, but they actually had this huge ass snow storm while filming, so they went ahead and filmed in the snow. bet they froze their asses off. sooo freaking good. go watch it! right now. that's not a request :)

~Isabo...wanting to leap around and run in the trees and do impossible martial arts and flying daggers.


Since my bro is completely obsessed with his traffic to his site, I thought I'd check mine (yet again, like I did for the ass massage or whatever). So, a newer search that turned up my page was "ass traffiking" along with many drug, survey, dragon ball z (??), gay men sites, and porn. Since I didn't use traffiking anywhere, I assume ass showed up. teach me to talk about massages! mwuahahaha. And on a new note, someone was searching for "fibro-fog" how sweet is that? I wonder if they're a sufferer or just wanted to read stupid stories :)

just thought I'd share :)

Monday, April 18, 2005


First, good news, I managed to eat a sandwhich and apple without incident today! fuckin finally, right? I have so much more respect for prisoners living on bread and water. it's not easy.

Sahara: saw that tonight. It was quite good. A really fun movie. Very similar to National Treasure, although I think it had more explosions and ass kicking. I liked it, I think I'd see it again. I'm still not sure about Sin City though. I mean yea, I liked it, but I'm not's hard to explain. maybe if you see it you'll understand ;) back to sahara: constantly blowing shit up = good movie :) lol

oh, and on the way to the movie, we had cool storm blowing through. That sorta reddish, yellowish, brownish hint to the clouds, that sometimes turns green or fades to gray/black clouds? ya know? texans should know. The theatre was still standing, so it obviously didn't go green, I sorta wished it had...not that I wanted a tornado to rip through...well, yea I did. Big storms are exciting. But not when they hurt a lot of people. but still, really exciting right? beauty and violence all in one? good combination


Sunday, April 17, 2005

sexy cruiser??

So, am I a sexy ho in my car or something? I went on a long walk today, and sat out at the park and watched soccer games (which by the way is one of the most bittersweet experiences of my life). so anyway, it's Texas, it's hot here. I sweat anyway. Doesn't seem appetizing, right? So I'm cruising home, my shirt sleeves rolled up, grungy with the was-recently-sweaty look, windows down in my awesome sweet car, seether playing loudly, my hair pulled back with all my frizzies waving madly in the air, sunglasses, and of course we can't forget the cool "stick-shift" pose where you lean to the right with your hand on the shift, and the left hand up on the steering wheel (guess that's opposite if you drive on the left side of the road...which by the way, shifting with the other hand is UBER hard to do, mentally...and physically?). So yea, I'm cruising, this jeep thingy suv (strike 1) (I hate suv's...and those damn hummers. join the damn military if you want to drive that, it's ridiculous...where was I...) right! guy pulls up to pass me, then drops back until he's even with me and cruises beside me. Since he's up higher I can't really see his face, but then he pulls up ahead and looks at me in his freaking side mirror! Like I can't see him there?! weirdo (strike 2 - idiot or weird). So then we stop at a light, and he cranks his music up so it interferes with mine (strike 3, country music is a NO). then we take off again, and he whips out a cell phone while ahead me winking at me in his side mirror (this guy looked to be about 24-28, hadn't shaved in a while, ex-football player kinda look) (strike 4 - no cell phones while driving). So then I whip over to turn left at my light and I see him turn around in his car to look at me, then lean out the window, and then he takes the next left (strike 5 - creepy). so I whipped into my apt building and got behind the gates.

I'm so weirded out by this. Are these people on drugs? is it spring and they're horny like all the animals around us? usually grungy people aren't sexy. I'll admit my car is daaaaaaamn sexy hot! I just don't see ME being sexy hot.

~curiously confused Isabo

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Yea, so, being sick sucks. I keep thinking we're having a storm, but it's just my stomach rumbling and gurgling. it obviously wants to be filled but it's dangerous to fill it...basically the only things it will tolerate are bread and water...I feel like a prisoner! mwuahahaha. except I get nice soft bread instead of a dry crust.

anyway, bro posted some of his japan pics, so I figured I'd do the same. If you wanna have a look at mine, go here

ja ne

Friday, April 15, 2005

Sin City

Ok, finally saw it. I can't tell how much I like it though, it's still floating around in my mind. I liked it but not sure I'd buy it, I'm wavering between those. It's a really strong movie. like *pow* in your face. exciting and thrilling though ;) I love they way they set it up with the colors and black/white and comic book and oldies style. sweeeeet it was! and dude, talk about a kick ass cast. my best friend said "it was good except for harry potter eating people" lol. I guess he does look harry potter-esque. A lot of it was easy to figure out though, but still really fun.

and dude, the skanky ass whores kicked so much ass! They rocked! flashed their booties and titties and whipped out their guns and opened up a can of whoop ass. now those are cool chicks :) actually, that brings up anotehr thing, most the other chicks in the movie are saved by the men...I'm not sure I like that. we need more xena, women kicking ass left and right kinda chicks out there :) I guess the whores took her spot. and dude, miho had sweet swords, and I couldn't tell if they were nazi or buddhist (probably buddhist since she was japanese) swasticas that she whipped around. kick ass. and nancy really knew how to dance. The men basically staggered/swaggered around and kicked ass, while the chicks looked hot and kicked graceful ass.

that's another thing, why do they ALWAYS show women's bodies nude in movies and not men's? I don't particularly want to see the mens bodies (except for chests and abs, those can be sexy...and backs if they're not hairy *shudders*), but I sorta think it's fair play, ya know? I think it's still common for lots of actresses to have to go nude, or part nude in order to get anywhere in the movie world. you don't hear about men having to strip to get higher places in the world (unless it's porn). anyway, at least women's bodies are smooth and sexy, and much much nicer to look at than mens. in my mind anyway, I'm sure there's disagreement out there somewhere ;) actually, I just remembered, bruce willis is completely nude for part of it...but of course you only see his outline since he's covered in shadow (= he's a man). he gets extra bonus points for being old and still in good shape. damn :)

good movie, go see it. be ready for violence though. this one woman got up about 10 minutes into it and left and never returned. guess she doesn't like blood and guts and knives and guns and bare hands and whores and cannibals (cute ones though) :)

~Isabo...tempted to go kick ass somewhere. but not dressed up like a whore, people would run screaming before I even got a chance to whoop them.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

wtf, mate?

lol, I was looking at referrals to my site, just to see where peeps are coming from, and my site showed up on a netscape search for "embarrassing butt massage" along with a mix of masturbation, gay/lesbian, and kinky looking sites. so of course now that I've said those words, I wonder what searches will pop to this page. lol. and what's up with blogshares? lol, it took me a while to figure it out. I was thinking "dude, why's my blog on an economics page?!" anyhoo, I'm easily amused I guess.



This is so freaking awesome. I've had this link on my computer for forever and a day, just never got around to sharing it. so freaking awesome. Drum Machine you need flash to see it, I think. .swf is flash, right? anyway, go watch it. have your speakers turned up!!! you must LISTEN and watch! so freaking good.

~Isabo *clicking refresh repeatedly*

Dante's inferno

I stole this from JC.

sweet, I'm a heretic, how awesome is that? and I get to live in a firey place! FIRE!!! woohoo, fire is our friend ;) fire is awesome. hey wait a minute, I said I believed in afterlife! they lie!! ooh, sweet, the furies. they're pretty cool :) lol

Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis


You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's Inferno Test


My stomach tricked us all. I decided yesterday "hmm, I'm hungry, I should eat something instead of popcorn before the movie" so I had a sandwhich. bad idea. no movie. no eating. I think I'll live off water for a few days. In fact, I'll live off water today and go see Sin City damnit! mind over matter eh? and screw it all, I'm going to massage and telling her to touch my stomach at her own risk. mmm...massage...

yea, I was having another strange dream when I woke up today. I was back in japan, except it looked more like texas country? random. and then I gave my host mother (the one I actually had) a puzzle and a calendar and a book? and then she started talking about the book. then we went outside and she sat on the ground and I laid down in front of her with my head in her lap (if anyone gets fruedian on me, I'll kick their asses). and she started telling me about her childhood and the drug lords and drug traffiking that went on while combing my hair?...except (yes, I caould see what she was explaining), all the children were little white kids. there were two whores, one was 2 and the other was 3. they were sisters. I was thinking "dang, aren't they a little young?" and then some snotty cool-wanna-be 5 yr old strutted by, who ended up being their pimp. veeery odd dream.

but don't fear, I didn't see any crazy women with knives. I kept track of my feet :)

~Isabo on water

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Yay, finally feeling better, I think I might go see Sin City tonight, which is what I was going to do the day the flu hit. I'll let you all know how it is :) other than that nothing new going on, considering I've been asleep most the time.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

sick & horrible dream

Yea, so I'm still sick. I thought I'd share with you all the WONDERFUL dream I had last night, i tried waking up so many times screaming, and other times I did actually manage to wake up but went back to the same dream, damnit. but I did manage to lose 8 lbs. anyhoo...

So (I guess I was in university), I went over to this chick's apt to help her with her "homework." So I get there, and we chat a bit, and order pizza, and drink some sodas, then we go to her room and we continue chatting, and she pulls out her books. Then she comes over to where I'm sitting on her bed and starts detailing her idea...meanwhile I'm feeling suspiciously relaxed. So, her outline consists of: I am going to cut off your foot (I'm nodding enthusiastically while inside screaming), then we're going to TAPE it back on, and tomorrow you are going to come into our class and help me explain my presentation to them! How does that sound to you? "sounds great, when do we start (inside screaming)!?" and she was all happy saying "yay! I knew you'd be great!" so then she starts getting implements of torture ready, and tells me to relax. Meanwhile this other chick w/ drak hair who was just weird...didn't seem human, anyway, she is surprised that they found someone, they start talking. I finally manage to push out the words "what the fuck did you do to me??" while the room is spinning and I can't focus on anything, and I can't make my body move. so they giggle and keep talking, and I manage to pull myself upright and the darker one comes towards me and I somehow slug her, swinging into the other girl, knocking her down while I manage to stay upright *YAY* so then I start staggering through the door, I fall down the stairs (at least it was faster, right?). stagger to the car, meanwhile pulling my car keys out, managing not to drop them, thinking "I've seen too many damn horror movies."

Get in the car as the chicks come tumbling out of teh house. lock the car doors, and speed off...ALL over the road. I'm roaring through town, and everything is still speeding, and I'm going about 100mph, swerving left and right. eventually a big space cleared around me *ahem* and I roar up to a hospital and stagger inside and say "I'm not an emergency but these chicks were gonna cut off my foot and I feel...woozy" at which point I fall into the arms of the doctor. so some cursing and staggering later, and after explaining, even though it's damn hard to talk, we get out that I'm drugged, on something that's called (can you guess it?) "Woozy" (ha! great name for a drug, right?). So then I say "eww, I don't feel good" and start barfing on teh doctor and then I pass out.

and wake up to my mom in seeing OUR (as in real life) doc? random. and then my doc goes into to talk to rl. doc, and I don't want to be alone, so I try to crawl in there but the door closes, so I sit on the ground by the door curled up into a tiny ball while the room spins and I feel like complete and utter shit, shivering with delerium and chills. Then MY (as in real life) doctor comes out and starts yelling me about what he had told me about THOSE fevers (wtf??), then he puts headphones on me? and I pass out, waking up in a hospital bed. aparently I had a fever of over 106, and he had previously? talked to me about high fevers? so then I'm still feeling like shit and half delerious. I'm not sure what happens after that

crazy dream huh? Guess my feeling bad visited me in my sleep. Dude, those chicks wanting to cut off my feet, and me not being able to do anything was horrible. and not being able to wake up screaming to that was horrible. it was like they really drugged me. ack! dream demons.

lol, and now I feel...can you guess? woozy! ack

~miserable Isabo, keeping close track of her feet and crazy chicks with knives.

Monday, April 11, 2005

mizzzzzzable >_<

stomach flu = miserable isabo
stomach flu = no massage
no massage = miserable isabo

and on that note I'm going to bed.

little birdies

My first really random realization of the day:

I like little birds that hop rather than little birds that strut around like they're all that, while bobbing their heads like "hey, check me out, ain't I hot?" The little hopping birds are cute, and I wanna go over there and cuddle them and give them bird seed. how's that for random?

Ooh, and I'm currently, as I'm typing, getting a new fan put in, out of the box and wrappings! apparently my old one died, as in totally irreplacably broken! ha! BROKEN! hahaha...ok, maybe you don't find that as funny as me :)

Isabo w/ a new fan

Sunday, April 10, 2005


sweet, I just finished myst III exile. liked it much better than the first two, but I still like the 4th (uru) best so far. Now I just hope my damn computer will play it. I may have to get a new video card, damnit. *crosses fingers* and unfortunately I think my computer is too old to efficiently play myst 5 revelation. looks freaking awesome. *le sigh* I'll just have to go out and get a job. Let's see, can anyone think of a job that allowes the following:
1. frequent breaks, can't sit for more than 30-60 min, can't stand for more than 5-10
2. can't lift heavy things
3. can leave, having only worked 2-4 hours
4. can choose the days of the week to work, and which hours to work
5. can't handwrite, must type everything
6. doesn't need all brain memory and other cognitive talking and spelling (for my uber foggy days)
7. can wear sunglasses since florescent lights are evil and hurt the eyes

I've been thinking about data entry or something boring, dull, and mindless like that. my old job I was getting about 12-14$ an hour. that's pretty good I think. even though I was the office bitch and doing everything from copying to moving boxes from one side of the building to the other.


more quizzes

Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Tender Kiss
The tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings.

Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.

Take the quiz: "What color are you?"

Your color is blue. You are a pretty normal person, but you do like to have a good time... You accept what happens for what it is, and you don't care for a lot of things... You are a realist, honest and bold.

Take the quiz: "Devil or Angel?"

Black Angel
You'd be a Black angel, Mostly nice, but you can get angry and evil at times... You do not care for some things, but you love to have fun.

that's enough for now, I think :)

this is kinda scary...

Ok, I took this quiz, and it's sorta scary in a weird, factual way?

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

First, I'd agree with most if not all of it (or at least in the past when I wasn't broken...and only a few have changed while broken) :)

really scary ones:
1. Sickness usually in the ear and neck - Ok, I was almost completely deaf as a baby because I had severe ear infections, and those lasted a long time, into teenage years. Neck - One of my biggest problems now. I'm broken all over, but my neck & shoulders are especially broken.

2. weak breathing - I have asthma! ack.

how random is that? good guess? lol, I love these freaky coincidences, they're interesting :)

I think I might go take more quizes and just post a bunch all in one go :)

~Isabo (quiz taking fool)

Friday, April 08, 2005


Yea, so I've been busy. and I was having internet probs yesterday, couldn't get on all day. So anyway, thursday night, my massage chick mentioned she was going to a movie, and do I wanna come. I said sure. it was sorta akward, but it was a movie so I didn't have to talk :) her friend seemed nice anyway. I think she feels sorry for me...either that or I'm just so cool she wants to hang with me :P

Today, I woke up early and drove for 2 hours (there were 2 wrecks, really pissed me off, I hate start and go traffic), to another city, and went to their art festival thingy. it was neat. I found a bunch of cool pictures, but they were uber expensive, so I just took the artist's cards instead. once I get a job maybe I'll buy their prints :) it was a lot of fun. strolled up and down the city block with my fibro buddy and drank beer and ate a steak, potato and cheddar tortilla thing. uber delicious.

so now my back is whacked again. I'm thinking that this friend is what whacks my back. first the driving, then the walking, and the sometimes sitting, and then the dcriving. so I took a muscle relaxer and drank more beer. I'm gonna vegetate tonight. in front of a movie on my heating pad and beanie(s). heat is our friend.

anyhoo, on the drive out, I took pictures of the bluebonnets on the side of the highway. then on the way home (which thankfully only took 1 hour...well, I was hauling ass too...going 85 in a 65 at one point...but I was moving with traffic...the faster cars anyway :) fire!) I took pictures of teh sun setting behind me, either in my rearview or sideview mirrors. and then I took a picture of MY city as I whizzed past.

so, go here for today's pictures.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

wee bit of sunshine

it's still been cloudy and uber windy today, but the clouds finally started breaking up and got a few peeks of light. gotta love stormy skies

oh, on another point, I got winked at today! ack! way to boost my ego. I was racing through the grocery getting meds, and, since it's Texas, most people make eye contact with every stranger they pass, or nod, or smile or something. so I'm walking through, doing the eye contact thing, and then this guy walking with his friend (I'd say they were about 22-25ish?) makes eye contact with me and then winks?! and then he was past me.

and then on the drive home I was waiting at a stop light, and get that "eyes on me" feeling and I look over to the car next to me, and this chick (I'd say same age group as me or above guys) is staring at me? so I stare back. and then she smiles at me. and then the light turns green. and we're gone. another ego boost! yay.

but what the heck is up with these people today?? is it the weather? usually people are tired and cranky at rush hour, not bright and flirtaceous. not that my ego or I are complaining ;)

~Isabo (head is swelling as we speak)...keep a thumb tack handy :)

spring storms!

yay, had our first spring boomer yesterday! I was pissed though, it was cloudy all day, and then it got darker and darker. and then I hear all this harsh clattering, and we've got marble sized hail! ack, and all the undercover parking was taken, so I ran out and parked under a tree (yes, I was informed later that I might consider tree branches falling). so anyway, hail continued on and off for about an hour. pretty strong winds. we were in a tornado watch from about late 4pm until 9pm, but no tornadoes. it was fun. storms are nice (as long as they don't hurt my car baby).
then the power started flickering so I decided no electronics at that point, and layed down for a nap...which ended up lasting about 6 hours, at which point I crawled to my bed.

crap, I was gonna write some wacky dreams I had, but I can't remember them now, I hate it when that happens.

oh, I had another weird encounter with another 40+ yr old man at a restaurant yesterday...why does this ALWAYS happen to me? He wasn't skanky though, just curious. I treated myself to sushi, since I had wanted it from before my back whacked itself. so I eat my sushi and all is good in the world. he sits down when I'm finishing up and orders. then I get dessert. sasadango (like mochi). it's rice cake (really sticky) that's green (I think it's green tea flavored), and inside is a bunch of red bean, or azuki (it's sorta the Japanese equivalent of chocolate? I's an aquired taste, but I love it!), and it's all wrapped up in banana leaves. anyway, I unwrap it and start attempting to cut it with a pointy stick (which is almost impossible, since it's so sticky, takes forever to eat. obviously I'm a stupid gaijin who doesn't know how to handle the pointy stick!) lol. anyway, the dude looks over and asks "what IS that?" so I tell him what I just typed above, about azuki. so I cut him off the first taste (man, he doesn't know how lucky he is...first taste is an honor! that I usually take for myself! mwauahah), and he's says "oh, I shouldn't..." and then smiles sheepishly and reaches over and takes it. and says "wow, that's really interesting." so then he goes on chatting about the best sushi he's ever had was in hong kong, yadda yadda yadda. so I finish up and whisk outta there :) I need to start taking books or wear headphones to restaurants so older men will leave me alone. geez, I could start getting a complex. lol


Monday, April 04, 2005

Butt Massage

Have any of you ever had a butt massage? I guess she was trying to aleviate my lower back pain...and I guess butt pain since the pain was radiating down to my legs. But daaaaaamn did it hurt. I wanted to run away and cry, but instead just layed (lied? I can never keep those straight) there and twitched violently. It was sorta neat, at one point my whole left leg went numb. Unfortunately my left butt cheek didn't follow the leg's example! woe was me. I was so happy when she finished. I hobbled outta there before she could torture me more. lol. I think next time I'll say my back is fine even if it isn't ;)

cheers to all
~Isabo w/ a sore butt/back

Sunday, April 03, 2005

coke w/ lime

ever drink coke w/ lime? it has an after taste that reminds me of some childhood candy or something. or it's just the fact that as a kid, bro and I would squeeze half a lime and throw that in our cokes. the real thing is much better, I suggest trying it sometime. I think it worked best with coke. I think we tried DrP, but didn't taste right, and pepsi was too remember bro? it's nice with the real limes b/c then you get limey pulp in your drink :) and you get to gnaw on the lime later :)

and someone needs to invent a way to brush your teeth that doesn't hurt a whacked back. that and going to the bathroom. and sitting. it's tricky to play video games on your back. I'm always tempted to put the tv on it's side :)

~sideways Isabo

sleep! and we lost an hour :(

I hate "springing forward" I always feel cheated since we lost an hour. I prefer fall change when we gain an hour of sleep :) and speaking of sleep, after taking (probably too many) muscle relaxers plus my dose of sleep meds (which is now double what it used to be), I was down for quite a while. It took me 5 hours to wake up enough to get out of bed. random. I was having some cool/freaky dreams, and only one was sorta scary.

My main awesome dream was like Resident Evil, and almost everyone was infected, but since I was Alice (I guess, since I kicked ass and was freaking awesome) my BLOOD was the antidote. as in others' blood was infected but my blood was anit-infected :) So I was running around trying to figure out if I should let them bite me and become disinfected, or if that would in turn infect me. So instead I ran over to a hardware store and bought a pocket knife (a real one, not one of those cheesy swiss army things). and ran around pricking my fingers and dropping blood in people's mouths. It was fun. and they weren't trying to bite me, they were staying FAR away from me :) guess they knew I could kick their asses! mwauahahaha. I can't remember my scary dream, just that I woke up scared. and then I woke myself up mumbling. I do that often. I wonder what my neighbors think when I mumble. I'm sure they can hear me, considering I heard an ENTIRE conversation IN MY ROOM from the people who live next door, when I was trying to wake up. manky said when I was sick one time I was mumbling "no, I don't want to go...NO! it's blue!" I wonder what the hell I was dreaming.

oh, and Tian said this is how my name (Isabo) would look in Chinese:

according to my japanese dictionary it says I - Sa - Bo, the characters meaning I - Italy/that one, Sa - sedge, Bo - waves/billow/Poland (read as "Po or Bo"). I'm not sure if the characters mean exactly the same in chinese or not.

~Isabo :)

Saturday, April 02, 2005

sleep ~_~

ok, I'm going to take a "nap" at 4:40pm, which means I'll wake up when I wake up. I may sleep the night. considering my back is whacked, that's unlikely, but I've taken a shit load of muscle relaxers, and they seem to be working (making me sleepy too). so goodnight to all and to all a goodnight.

~_~ zzzz

birds & backs

So, I went to the park today, with the intent to walk. Actually I drove by 2 parks, all overrun by soccer players. So I went to the old hood, threw the mexican gang neighborhoods, which still seemed to be in force, then over a few more streets to the "safe" area, where there is an old park by our old house. You know you're on the East side when you can't read the park's name on the wooden park sign.

so anyway, I get out and happen to look up, and this gorgeous purely white bird flaps by. I of course immediately thought "Hey, a wait, it's not fat enough...and not those stupid seagulls that are this far inland for who knows what reason...pretty though." It was pretty. and it's gorgeous today, with the texas sky that I've only seen in texas (that sounds stupid I know, but you can see texas skies in NC, and NC skies in boston). The clear blue, not ONE single cloud in sight, only bright blue as far as the eye can see. so pretty. add some lucious green trees as a border, and throw a flapping sparkly white bird in the midst, and you have a wonderful, color-blinding picture. Oh, and the snap dragons are starting to poke their heads out.

Yea, so, my left knee was better today, I'd say fixed. But, I take a few steps and *bam* lightning hits my lower back. See, when one thing fixes itself, something else has the urge to break. I'm always broken!? ack, bad body! So, I struggle through my walk, b/c I'm determined to do it (and hoping it would stretch my back out, which it didn't). I got asked a few times if I was ok, since I was lying on the path attempting to stretch my back out. It's embarrassing when a 70 yr old man going fast than a jog, but slower than a run, passes you 2 times, and keeps going. When pregnant women with strollers waddle past you. Yea, so by the end, I've got pain in my back and all the way down my RIGHT leg to my calf/ankle. but hey, it's not my left leg so I can still shift, right? right? right :)

In other highlights, I showered this morning. And I watched both spiderman movies, the Village, the Others, Wes Craven's New Nightmare, Alien, Aliens, as well as some extra features. I had a busy night :)

I think I might go watch another...

I can't think of a title

yah, I stayed up last night. for some reason my pain pills sorta conk me outta reality, but they keep me from sleeping. random eh? I need sleep to hurt less, but the supposedly hurt-helping meds keep me from sleeping. Leg is less gimpy today, think I will go to the park, maybe now, before all the sports brats get out there. I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to witness any soccer players today. and I'm hungry for red meat, but I don't feel like steak at 6:41am...a conundrum, I love those ;)

I think I'll stay up all day. OH! That's another thing, I've started drinking caffeinated drinks again, and I've actually been sleeping better than I have totally decaffinated, isn't that backwards or something? or maybe it's the fact that I doubled my sleep meds that helps me sleep :)

maybe I'll go exercise in non-soccer-playing areas, and then go see a movie. I wanna see Sin City. and Guess Who.


Friday, April 01, 2005

gimpy vote (yea, I just like to complain)

Ok, I'm massively gimped up, and plunging back into the pain pill world. Now, you can all have a chance to vote on what made me horribly gimpy (ie. I can't bend my left knee b/c tendons are so pissed off, spasming back, I've got the famous "hit by mack truck" feeling all over body. if the mack truck image doesn't work for you, imagine getting beaten with baseball bats all over. or getting run over by a whole field of soccer players with cleats). anyhoo, here are your voting choices: (you may pick more than one):

1. 3 hour walk in the botanical gardens
2. 1 hour sitting on the ground for a picnic lunch
3. 50min (I got lost) + 40min for the drive there and back (I've got a stick shift)
4. vacuuming my entire apt
5. picking up and sorting a literal mountain of paper
6. slept wrong(?)
7. added pain from massage
8. other (insert your own choice)

and send warm thoughts to my friend cat ("from where I'm sitting..."). She's suffering with her chronic problems a great deal, and there's nothing I can do but think happy thoughts her way. so if you have time, send some of yours too.


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